Same. Been working 6 days a week 12 hr shifts. For the last 3 weeks. Man I’m exhausted :weary:

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I feel like both CGC and CBCS make the entire pricing/submitting/years/FMV/tier submission process waaaaayy more confusing and convoluted than it needs to be.


CGC is the best. It’s not even close. CBCS is a distant second and PGX you might as well crack it open and send it to CGC cause no real graded comic book collector wants PGX.

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Extremely debatable as evidenced by this very thread…


That’s why I contributed my opinion. :grin::+1:

I’m genuinely curious why you feel this way. (Not trolling or here to champion either of the main 2 graders - legitimately curious.)

This is the exact reason I just don’t slab my books. I buy comics, not slabs.

The cases are much better and the comics are more secure. CBCS is good too and their graders are top notch but their cases are thinner and it seems like the comics move around some in there. CBCS cases are also much easier to open, manipulate and then reseal.

I will say this CBCS cases are pretty easy to open.

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I will say this, I’ve seen quite a few comments on forums/these forums, and FB that seem to talk about CGC issues, but during actual live sales from some very big dealers who previously used CGC but switched to CBCS because they were frustrated…they are highlighting some really big errors and issues on CBCS books and definitely feeling some “grass isn’t always greener” remorse. Really expensive old, key books, golden age stuff to boot. Mislabeled books, folds on books during casing, cracks, etc…all the same stuff CGC keeps getting beat up for.

I personally have never had a single issue with CGC in the many years I’ve used them (and I’ve graded books with them since they started up). Great customer service AND they answer the phone. Just me & I get others have had the polar opposite experience.

I hate the wait times now. I hate that greed has impacted them. I hate their constant ads and drum beating for signings when they are behind, however, CBCS has all those issues as well.

It really will be interesting to see how these companies fare 10 years down the road.


May as well all switch to PGX. :slight_smile:

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Makes me wonder why Borock left CBCS to go to MCS. :thinking:


Borock leaving does give me pause. It could be for any number of reasons, but it’s hard to not interpret it as a vote of no confidence on some level, which is disappointing. CGC really, really needs strong competition but it’s like nothing can touch them.

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Has anyone here ever had a signed book and send it to CBCS for verify and sealed to then send it to CGC to get there yellow label? Just curious…

Older cases I would agree. But the past couple years they switched to more robust sealed cases. They’re very similar to CGC but without the newton rings or scratches/scuffs.


CGC will not recognize/acknowledge CBCS witnessed or verified. CBCS doesn’t exist in their world.

You will receive a CGC green label.

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MCS will be a 3rd party grader (slabbed books) in a few years. You heard it here first.

I have a completely different perspective as to which is better.
I view it as which one is the worst of the bad.
They are both awful and/or incompetent in at least one major way and I submit that if any of these grading companies were to operate in a truly competetive business environment in the real world with real competition - they’d both fold.

I choose the one that is going to cause me the lesser of the known forthcoming aggravation.
The things we do for money. :face_with_head_bandage:


All I have to say when it comes to CGC vs CBCS is whenever I’ve had an issue with CGC it is easy to reach customer service. When I wanted to simply ask CBCS a question about a book I was considering getting graded they never got back to me after I finally figured out a way to contact them. As for PGX, their reputation was in tatters but is maybe coming back a bit.

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I don’t think a comic that’s missing a piece off the front cover should be graded a 9.2. At the least it’s missing the surface layer at worst it’s missing the whole piece. Either way the grading companies need to get their stuff together. I’ve seen several CBCS books overgraded as well.