It is very interesting that they’ve never offered an explanation how such a radical change came about.

Clearly it was magic… sheesh… so darn obvious

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Are we gonna ignore the fact he pronounces Chasm as Chaz-um


There, fixed it for you.

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Considering sending some books that were graded by cgc a few years ago or cbcs recently into cgc to see if I get a grade bump.

That was annoying me too…

And he doesn’t normally repeat himself so much in his quick FOC or new release videos…it’s like “we got it the first 4 times you said it, man,…”

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I think thats just him saying it on purpose, he has an odd sense of humor

As someone who doesn’t watch him, not knowing his sense of humor, just made him seem dumb to me. Again wearing the childish hat and mispronouncing characters names, just doesn’t make me want to watch him.

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And no disrespect to anyone who does watch him. Just for me it wasn’t my thing. I interact mostly in text. How annoying would it be if I started mispronouncing Venom as Vernon all the time and my new catch phrases were “yeah ya’ll, crunch crunch”

“Yeah ya’ll, that new Vernon issue featured Carnage, crunch crunch”

People would stop listening to me completely.


It’s a good thing you don’t watch him regularly. Recently he was all giddy because he found a way to add a new feature to his top 10 FOC videos. The new " feature" was adding fart noises to each new pick :joy:

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Gotta take the childish with the good, for sure. Sometimes during his FOC videos he notes a book or two we don’t discuss here or I had forgotten about.

Also he will identify some spoilers (won’t show the page) the weekend before so it’s a heads up that something may worth looking out for Wednesday.

At least he reads the books. So he’s trying. Doesn’t always get it right…and he’ll admit when he’s not sure.

There are others on YouTube I cannot stand and refuse to watch…him I can mostly tolerate, lol. I have younger kids so the annoying childish humor is pretty constant in my house as it is!


Oh no. Trust me. I have two boys age 10 and 13. It’s all about farts and wieners. I just don’t know that is what I want in discussing comics. Personal opinion and not a reflection on anyone else. There are a couple of issues that I do have with him, the retailer thing, that is a conflict, he got upset about his company not being named on the comic he published. I don’t watch comic Tom either. Mostly because all he is doing is reading the KCC list and waving his arms and posing. Plus the shocked face video cards, topics like “who are buying these comics” and then just reading the top ten. It doesn’t appeal to me. Now both these guys could be the coolest people in the world in real life, I could be best friends with them, who knows, just their styles isn’t for me.

Economic brings up many good points in that video though. I like hearing more talking heads are coming to the conclusion there is no need to grade every book. These are things I have been saying for a while.


How is that evidence that they don’t open the books when grading them?

It’s more likely that he didn’t fill out the submission form correctly.

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In regard to TAT’s, this is 100% tied to the economy and the prices CBCS and CGC charges.

When it comes to resale, it doesn’t make sense to grade modern at the current price CBCS and CGC charges. They have to lower their grading fees to fix this.

Here’s the math for a $20 raw book…

Sell a $20 raw book on eBay and net $16.30 after eBay fees.

Grade that same $20 raw book, that would then sell for $60 in 9.8:

Shipping there and back per book assuming a 25-book submission: Approx $5
Grading Fee: $24
eBay Fees: $10.70
Total: 39.70 in costs

Net is $20.30.

It doesn’t make sense to make the additional investment, take the additional risk, and tie up your money for $4 in additional profit.

The math barely starts to make sense when a modern 9.8 sells for $80 or higher. But, if you search eBay sold listings, not many moderns are commanding that much at the moment.

If you’re shocked at the listed TAT’s now, I can’t wait to see your reaction when it becomes even less.

These grading companies are in big trouble if they don’t lower their prices real soon.


As someone who has yet to send a single book to be graded by both companies I’m not sure how the submission form looks like but I imagine there would be a section there for you to write in the publisher’s name. Bill is a retailer and have been sending books to both companies for years, sending thousands if not tens of thousands to them. I find it unbelievable that he would just happen to leave it blank for his own personal exclusive books. More likely it’s CBCS’s incompetence that’s likely at play here as we have ample evidence of that.

But let’s assume we give CBCS the benefit of the doubt and say that they will not recognize his publishing company. So now does this apply to all new publishers like Whatnot publishings when they first got their books graded and CBCS would put a not recognized publisher on the label? Or how about the countless other retailers/youtubers that put out their own exclusives? I have never heard of anyone else who had this problem with the label not recognizing the publisher.

I find it disrespectful from CBCS’s part to actually put that on the label without contacting Bill who’s one of their most valued customers. A courtesy phone call/email to him before they slapped that on the label not recognizing his company would’ve been better approach so that he got a heads up and could decide if he still wanted his book graded. Having that on the label essentially ruined the book imo and I also would’ve been very upset. It clearly rocked him and now he’s done with sending books to them to get graded.

I’ve said this before the incompetence and lack of foresight and customer service from both grading companies is astounding. Any other legitimate company with this track record for treating their customers would be out of business a long time ago.

These places are designed like factories. It’s just one big assembly line.

If he didn’t fill out the submission form with the publisher being him, it is not reasonable to expect them to stop the “line” and add it. That is the submitter’s responsibility when filling out the form.

What it could also be, assuming that he did fill it out correctly, is that he wasn’t in their system as a publisher, so they marked it the way they did as a placeholder, and they failed to update their database before they printed the label.

I don’t blame him for being upset. It sucks.

But it in no way is evidence that they don’t grade the internal pages of a book.

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It’s kind of the risk you run when you publish a book with a virgin cover, no trade dress stating the name of the book and no trade dress stating the publisher. :man_shrugging:

Decades from now, none of us are going to have any clue what any of these virgin cover books are when flicking through boxes.

I honestly have no idea what any of these books are:

It’s a bit presumptive to think your IP is impactful enough right out the gate not to need some identification.


That was sort of my thought too. More Likely something else is the root cause.

Yeah, I’m not saying people are doing is smart (grading any cool looking modern), just that screening is just leading to more loss if it’s a standard practice. The only moderns I’ve considered sending in was a high republic #1 Hans…but the fact I can buy a 9.8 for under $80 if I’m patient…and I think my copy may lean 9.6…has put it on pause.

I have a lot of key GI Joe newsstands in 9.6-9.8 shape I’d rather spend the money on if I’m going to spend the money.

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In the Steve Borrock days that likely would have happened.

But these are Beckett times…

I was a big supporter of CBCS, I’ve followed them closely for many years…but since he’s left I felt they have gone from doing all the things right CGC did wrong…to just becoming another smaller CGC in most areas…some worse than CGC (customer service).