From what @Anthony is saying about catchphrases it sounds like we all need one!

Zango Time!

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Chugga Chugga Chu Chu!

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I have submitted two of my own variants to CBCS over the years. The Solar Flare #1 CHU Baltimore comic con cover had art by Jeremy Abbott and colors by me. They credited the cover to someone else (series main artist). The Black #1 Chu cover had art by me and did not credit me as cover artist. I said F- it and let it go.

If you have any spare Black 1 CHU covers I’d totally buy one to get you to sign one if I can get a yellow slab from CGC somehow with your sig. They’d have to go to your house or something I guess? Sounds creepy to think they’re just watching you sign comics in your home tho.

You can meet up with @anthony at a con and do it at the CGC or CBCS desk.

Although they’d probably still not credit @Anthony lol.

I can read the label now: “Signed by Some Guy at 2023 NY Comic Con”


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In fact, will they do that? I I signed a comic and had someone authorized witness it
would they put my name on the label?

That might be kinda cool.

lol its authenticated!

I resent that people like your catchphrase more than mine.

This is a pretty darn heavy statement from a President of a grading company. I mean seriously heavy. If he means it (seconds to grade) it explains all the 9.8’s I’ve received that should be 9.4; all the 9.4’s I’ve received that you can’t find a freakin’ defect without an electron microscope. Because -
 they’re spending seconds on a book. Well thank you for your services Matt.


I own two still, one hangs on my wall, I kept a copy of every variant I did years ago and they hang on the wall. I have one slabbed copy.

Makes sense. this would explain why some of the books I sent in where I was expecting 9.6 grades (one or two 9.4s) got a 9.8. Granted, there isn’t a huge different in appearance with a 9.6 and a 9.8 but the re-sale price difference sure isn’t small. Not complaining but it would be nice if CGC got things straightened out for the better.

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He’s late to the party, I’ve been preaching this since 2013 when I got back into comics

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Another piece of proof Idiocracy is on it’s way

If @agentpoyo needed a hill to die on it’d be his dislike of grading companies. My hill is forever arguing Predator 2 is even better than the first.

I don’t necessarily dislike them, I think they can improve their services. I mostly dislike their inconsistent quality of service to consumers.

The thing I dislike more is people buying slabs instead of buying the comics inside the slab. Buy the comic, not the slab. Do you collect comics or slabs? Seems like people who buy graded comics aren’t collecting comics, they’re collecting slabs with labels in them that just happen to have a comic within as well.


You need to share whatever you smoking.

I’m one of the rare people who enjoyed both just as equally
 so I wouldn’t necessarily say one is better than the other. :flushed:

It’s the Predator, in the city! With Danny Glover, Bill Paxton, and more great talent. It’s just so fun.

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both are awesome, equally good! what i like about the 2nd is we find out just a bit more about the Predator race. ahh man and the Xenomorph skull in the trophy case
 i feel like that was the 1st easter egg.

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