Forums the way to go. They address it much quicker because it’s out there for other customers or potential customers to see.


Bingo. It’s public, they want to make sure they look good in front of the masses.

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I’m lucky that the only issue I had with CGC was a slab they had to redo. I get nervous at these horror stories!

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My CGC Dashboard has more “Mechanical Errors” (i.e. CGC F-ups) than “Submissions”.
And I submit once a month

Pretty darn pathetic way to run a business.

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Hey, when you’re considered, “The Best,” you can get away with a lot more than you maybe should.

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But if you are the what some consider “the best”… you should strive to continue being the “best” in my opinion. When you slack off, you are no longer the best and never were the best apparently. The best continue being great at what they do…

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More than likely 95% of the complaints are just a small portion of the orders. Most people won’t praise a place for doing a good job but most will complain so it skews it.

Yup, nobody takes the time to give reviews when it’s satisfactory. Most only leave reviews when it’s a negative experience. That’s across the board for the most part.


Metrics/Statistics, although often manipulated to create a targeted message; are supposed to be above emotion and feelings.

My Dashboard is admittedly just one Dashboard among many hobbyists. That is true. But when my dashboard has more Mechanical Errors than submissions AND it has been that way for months that is a problem in my little world. And I suspect others are experiencing the same. I have no mercy for persistent incompetence anywhere. Yea - shit happens. But you clean it up to stay in business. And I’m sorry to say that in my particular instance they haven’t cleaned up their pile of horsesh*t for quite some time and not sure they will. I have no good review to provide them other than the junk they grade sells for more than raws. I want my product delivered to me without systemic cracks, smashes, debris, and other b.s. As for the incompetence/lack of attention in grading? Won’t get into that because the book after grading & sold is someone else’s problem. But the damages prior to sale are my problem. And folks need to understand it’s not ok to do that to your customer base if I am a representation of what is going on.

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Like accepting, grading, and encapsulating books? Those certain things?

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I wonder how many of the newly established COVID time frame “pressing” businesses are doing at this point. So many of them popped up because of the crazy delays with both CGC and CBCS (their pressing/cleaning services). However, the vast majority of individual pressers still appear to have some very lengthy wait times as opposes to the two biggies who are now cranking books out.
Yes, I realize the individual pressers are likely showing more attention to books/good work takes time…but turn around times are also a huge factor with folks.

For those who clean and press their books before submitting either via a 3rd party or DIY are you more concerned getting purple labels if only using basic dry cleaning/pressing? Not talking about wet cleaning or UV treatments.

CGC giving purple labels is this a way to force people to use CCS? :thinking:

Also if people fear purple labels will they just only sell raw books…this in theory affect the slabbed market just thinking out loud.

Technically dry cleaning and pressing is not using chemicals, so no. Should never be a concern. If you get a purple label afterwords that it was pre-existing/not related to the dry clean and press.

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This is incorrect. The term ‘dry cleaning’ explicitly means using chemicals, the use of ‘dry’ means chemicals that are not water hence they are dry, in the same vein as “dry extractions” in chemistry means using chemicals that are NOT water for the extraction. Same goes for when you ‘dry clean’ your fancy clothes, they use liquid chemicals that are NOT water to clean.

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CGC doesn’t offer the services you’re referring to that have been getting flagged as resto, so they wouldn’t be issuing purple labels to drive more business to them.

Btw, the way CGC is going about detecting these services is unscientific, unreliable and inconsistent. They are missing way more books than they’re catching and in the process, they’re"catching" books that never got the treatment. False positives.

As for “regular” pressing and cleaning before grading? Imo you should always do that.


CGC price changes

So no 25min for prescreen

Grade PreScreen– fee changed to $9 per reject; minimum submission requirement has been removed

Also CCS now will be CGC Pressing

I still can’t wrap my head around the number of really silly, very inexpensive, common books that I see people grading/offering for sale. Perhaps these ongoing increases will chip away at that a bit.

I do like to get many of my books graded, but it really makes me think about the ones I do.

The hardest thing for me is getting the really good, older, key books graded at this point. Books over $1000 are a heck of an upfront cost anymore. I can’t really justify the cost at this point.

I think these increasing prices will continue to create an emphasis back to buying raw books.


To me, the big change here is the removal of the pre-screen minimum of 25. I’d bet many more people start using that and we start seeing far fewer moderns below 9.8. $9 is steep for that, but I’d rather pay that $9 than end up with a 9.6 on a newer book.

I’m still bitter about my Death of Dr. Strange Bloodstone (First Lyra) 1 1:10. It’s the most damn flawless book I’ve submitted, and it got a 9.6. If she ever becomes a character people care about, I’d resubmit with the 9.8 min prescreen.

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If this does happen, a good practice will be to check the census for titles with competitive registries and cross check with listings available. This could drive up the price on some books a lot. Wolverine 41 (2nd print) in 9.8 was a very in demand book. It still commands a decent price, but not what it did before people wised up.

It could create quite the cottage industry if the $9 reject fee scare a lot of people away.

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