Thanks a million!!! Appreciate the insight…crazy what crooks with time on their hands can come up with.


Have any UF4 1st prints been mentioned as one the books he messed with? Just curious cause this guy going after very highly graded keys and we know UF4 a bunch have been graded.

This is gonna get very interesting cause there is no way there is only one cockroach… when there is big money involved plenty of scammers get involved.

Time will tell…


Good thing is I’ve been sick the last 2 days (coughing) so I’ve been staying home and been up countless hours scouring the forums and youtubes to keep up to speed on this. If I find anything about UF4, I’ll let you know. The scammer has been probably been doing this since 2011 and his go to book is ASM 300, there are tons of them. If I owned a cgc graded 9.8 ASM 300 that I bought online I’d be very worried.

Last night the GoCollect site was bogged down because there were a rash of people going on the site presumably to look for evidence of other books that the scammer may have scammed or checking if their own books that they bought could be compromised.


In theory we gonna see much less sales of these kinds of books via BIN and no way a person who knows about this news will be comfortable bidding on high grade keys this guy dealt with.

So if you sent a high grade CGC to an auction house I would try to pause it from selling with less buyers confidence we might see some interesting auction prices

Terrible all around for the comic ecosystem

He is messing with many peoples money via grading… dealers…private flippers…auction houses… regular collectors trying to sell big books they held for years… etc…


It’s a complete mess and I’m captivated on how this will all play out.

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BTW hope you are feeling better from your cold!

I know many people dealing with colds so hope everyone stays safe out there!


“If” there was some sort of inside help at CGC and this issue is as big as it seems…can you imagine the field day they could have with ASM #238?

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Thanks, I feel great actually just have this annoying cough that I get every hour or so. Just trying to stay away from everyone. This drama is keeping me busy, I haven’t been this captivated in the comic book industry’s drama since when the pandemic hit in 2021. At that time all the LCS were closed around me and I was really worried about the industry so I consumed as much comic book content as I possibly could at home. This led me to find CHU.


Been seeing that a big CGC Facebook group is keeping all mentions of this situation off limits and banning any mention…

Thats kind of a red flag… :thinking:

Who runs that group officially and why are admins not allowing this news to a group that migjt be affected via purchases…


Yeah I was just about to post this, so shady.

37000 members of this group just statistically someone has def been affected by this scam and to keep it hush says a lot…

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Update: more Hulk 181 qualified 7.0 (missing marvel value stamp) to universal 7.5. Same book, you can see the spine miswrap at the top left hand corner and the spine ticks next to wolverine’s forearm. Credit to comicwiz on the CGC forum for the detective work. With a different cert number.


Yes. At this time this really just affects a small sample of the industry.

9.8 Newstands/Mark Jewlers
Expensive Marvel Value Stamp books.

Also, CBCS seems to not be implicated as of yet.

It is kind of ironic that these very specific things we all see as kinda silly to be chasing.

A UPC symbol vs a barcode….

An advertisement inserted into a book.

Thinking CGC is so much better than CBCS.

Things that really should not matter people pay such a premium for….

The only one that effects me is the MVS (I don’t chase 9.8s…prefer the quality of a 9.6 for a fraction of the price)…I’ve had my sights on a specific book that has a MVS…now I’m not so sure I should be chasing after one in a slab (or if I do, go for one in the new CBCS slab).


OMG it just got A WHOLE LOT worse

Look at the date graded on the 7.0 qualified label 08/24/2022, now look at the date graded on the 7.5 universal label 08/24/2022

someone explain to me how the same book could be graded a qualified 7.0 and a universal 7.5 on the exact same day (2 different cert numbers). My head is about to explode. Users are insinuating that someone from inside CGC are complicit in the scam.


thanks for keeping us up to date with this quagmire of a calamity of a charlie foxtrot. i hadnt heard about it until just now.

sadly my heart tells me this will likely be a “grab 'em by the p#$$%” moment where true colors are finally exposed for all to see–utterly indefensible, the last straw, game over, etc etc…yet it is simply excused/forgotten as quickly and inexplicably as we’ve come to expect in these dizzying times.

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wait, what?!
the most startling thing to me about these cgc verification screenshots is that logan’s real name is james howlett!

yeah it was revealed in Wolverine Origins first series that Wolverine’s real name is James Howlett. Logan is his evil brother’s name. Great read.

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This is WILD. Gonna be really hard to sell any of these bigger dollar graded books for a while. CGC’s brand has been slowly tanking for a while, but this is massive.

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Just wanted to post this visual before it gets lost in the CGC forum thread which is moving at record speed. The user who posted this is brute_nm who put this altogether based on the information we know so far.

The speculation is that "Book C = (Book B inner well + Book A label) slipped together into an outer well and then sealed as best as possible, and sent back to CGC for a reholder (typically with a custom label)


I’ve got to believe these scammers are shitting themselves right now. If any of this fraud can be proven, there could be some significant legal consequences headed their way.