CBCS members right now :joy:


The amount of fraud at this level is astounding. Why has this not been covered yet by a bunch of comic book websites? I thought Bleeding Cool loves tabloid and sensationalist stuff. Perhaps I should write about this on my blog but I feel like I only know a little bit about it? This is like an iceberg, and it could take some Titanics down.

Isn’t Bleeding Stool like a big CGC Fan boy? Or am I misremembering?

A lot of youtube sites are starting to cover it now. And you answered your own question about Bleedingstool, they’re not a respectable news site so it doesn’t surprise me that they’re not covering it.

Haven’t watch this yet but I’m seeing more and more youtube sites are starting to cover the story, perhaps some are waiting to get more info.

Ok guys I’m halfway through the video and it’s excellent. If you have time to watch it please do, one of the host 9.9 newsstand is the original guy that broke the story with his findings of something fishy with ASM 252. Halfway through the video they’re talking with swagglehaus and all three are hearing from their sources that CGC right now is in “crisis mode”. Worth your listen

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Cgc sponsored them a bunch of years ago.

I haven’t sent off a book to get slabbed in a while. I do love hearing that the Titan is taking some serious knocks right now. Hoping people will look to cbcs for security of books. (I mean don’t get me wrong they both have problems) seriously need a strong third candidate to step up.

This isn’t something that’s going to be easy to prove unless they’re able to track these slabs down.

First, eBay is going to protect the identities of the buyers. And it’s not like the scammers will offer up who they’ve been selling to out of remoarse.

Second, Many would rather be in denial than know they were scammed. It’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled.

I just recall for a while if the slightest issue came up with CBCS they were right there bashing them left and right
but if there was a CGC controversy not a peep.


Sounds about right


Acetate-gate did nothing. Quality control slipping hard did nothing. Horrendous turnaround times did nothing (in fairness, most due to covid and since fixed). Slabbing stupid s*** from Bad Idea did nothing. Slabbing a coverless Star Wars comic as a variant did nothing.

As gravely serious as this is, I think most collectors will collectively wish it away (if they even hear about it) and CGC will continue on pretty much unscathed.


Hopefully Blackstone knows whats happening

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What is CGC’s responsibility here? They are clear in saying they will only regrade reholder submissions if there is sufficient clear damage to the case that caused damage to the comic affecting the assigned grade. All they do is take the inner sleeve out of the old slab and put it in a new slab. That’s always been our expectation so I don’t think they’ve “failed” in the obvious way some are saying. I don’t believe this was an inside job, I think CGC was exploited by bad people. People refer to them as scammers but they are straight up criminals.

That said, in my opinion, this is what CGC needs to do:

  1. Improve the encapsulation process to ensure this can’t happen again.

  2. Make changes to their intake process on reholder submissions. Photographing every slab is a good start.

  3. I doubt the criminals used the same account to do this over and over, but whatever accounts can be identified, CGC need to release all the cert #'s related to reholder submissions for those accounts.

  4. For any slabs on that list, CGC needs to initiate a process or accepting those slabs to crack and inspect. For any books that do not match the grade / description, CGC needs to compensate the owners.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the criminals cash in on some of their unsold inventory

  1. Provide information to the relevant authorities and hopefully an investigation can be started and eventually charges brought

There has been too much of this shit going on in one form or another within collectibles. Whether it’s this, whatnot scams, stolen comics, whatever it may be, it seems criminals think they can get away with it, or even believe that it isn’t a “real” crime, because it’s just comics, or Pokemon, etc
 make an example out of them!

  1. Although I don’t think it’s an inside job, they need to make sure that’s the case.

All that said, CGC isn’t going anywhere. This won’t stop anyone from submitting as long as CGC sells for more than CBCS.


Without input from CGC, we dont know if the scammers/criminals had help.

Im pretty sure CGC can track down multiple accounts using the same delivery address

Plus, with these high dollar items, the scammers probably paid for a yearly membership to get the 10% off fees

And we all know CGC has been having problems with their “accurate” grading for years
they need to clean house.

I love CGC. I have a yearly membership. This scam doesnt really affect me because I dont submit or buy high value, old books. Im a strictly newly-released-books guy :hugs:

Now if it comes to light people are scamming selling empty slabs of invisible comics, then I got a problem. Oh 


It is their responsibility to certify. The information on that label is their certification. While grading is subjective, if they put “mark jewlers” or indicate a book is complete when it is not, they Technically did not certify. If they are presented with factual evidence they clearly errored in their label they have an obligation to at least correct the error.

They should atone for their mistakes, however I highly doubt they will reimburse anyone. They might offer to regrade any suspect books on a list, but that seems like they are opening themselves up to having to reimburse the current owner if they discover an error.

That being said, it is really their reputation that’s on the line here. Going to be interesting to see how much that is worth to them. I suspect that they have such a strong hold on the market that unless they see this effecting their bottom line they don’t even acknowledge it publicly and make small changes internally and promote those as if they were planned all along
”look how awesome we are!”


I wish someone would reveal the scammers names

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This :100: :100: :100:

give me names & accounts, etc.
Here’s one “good” thing imo. The folks that have the funds to drop 5k, 10k, 15k, etc on these types of books (yes I’m generalizing) also likely have the funds, clout, or associations to shake some leaves off trees and get some action, repercussions moving.


I shook some trees the other day and got a bunch of Maple leaf helicopters in my head the other day :roll_eyes: :wink:


I hope you’re not suggesting we become Batman and bring vengeance upon the individual

Doxing is not the right answer. We don’t know who this individual(s) is(are) and what they are capable of when desperate. We can assume they are immoral to the core.

Need to stop the bleeding first and foremost. The information the public needs at this moment is the seller account names and a list of every slab they ever “touched.” 3rd party sellers/auction houses need to suspend any accounts or distribution of any suspect slabs.

3rd party sellers and CGC should work together contacting authorities and provide them with any personal and factual data they may have.

Give the system a chance to work before unleashing the mob. It’s still very early in this debacle.