I took a day off from reading CHU and logged in to see 93 new responses to this topic. I thought it was an error. Wow. What a storm just blew up! Thanks for all the posts/info. This really is big.


Well, its certainly something to talk about regarding comics since there really isn’t anything to talk about regarding comics otherwise

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And just to add fuel to the fire. I wasn’t in the market for this book but eBay seems to think I’d be interested.

Quite a few spine ticks for a 9.6, don’t you think?

Was graded back in 2021. No notes about the spine ticks, of course.


If I ever wake up one day and see 93 new posts in a cgc thread, my first thought would never be this must be an error. It’ll be “oh no, another cgc scandal”


oh wow, it looks like a lot of people just started seeing the story today. Earlier, multiple cgc forum members logged on to see this

This isn’t the same as Acetategate guys.


There have been multiple posts every hour for the past 24 hrs. How many people “couldn’t get in”? Was it just the one guy who posted it? I have not had any issues today.

I see people trying to post CBCS slabs on the thread
maybe they had to take it down to clean it up (I assume their policy on posting pics of CBCS slabs has not changed).

The drama is still going on strong over there in the thread. So I highly doubt it was related at all. Could have even been two idiots in another thread going at it as far as we know. Sites temporarily go down all the time due to brief surges, right @agentpoyo ? :grin:

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They are welcome here. We won’t go down.

Anyway, with people who have the books it’s like Schrödinger’s comic. If I don’t crack the slab then it is not missing the Marvel Value Stamp. Or if I don’t crack it it stays a 9.8.

I have been buying a lot of lower to mid grade slabbed golden and silver aged Batman. Don’t think anyone will mess with those books but who knows.


schrodinger’s comic. love that. (initially i thought “schrodinger’s slab” sounded better but of course that would deflate the metaphor)

and the mvs is the perfect example of how this scandal could really damage the value of specific slabbed books like hulk 181. if there is no longer absolute certainty that a cgc-graded comic has an intact mvs then what is the value of the slab? i’d say it’s now close to zero for certain issues. how many people will be willing to risk buying a graded hulk 181 if they now know that a universal grade does NOT guarantee the mvs is inside?

trust in cgc’s grading may not be so affected by all this because grading is subjective and the overall condition of a comic is still visible when it’s been slabbed. but for comics with stuff like mark jewelers inserts and marvel value stamps i just dont see how those slabs could hold their value after this.

All right, I’m annoyed that a lot of websites are not posting about this. I’m gonna make a post but I wanted to sound informed. What YouTube videos should I link to because I know we were linking some that touch on this? And how can I summarize this in a short post because there’s a lot going on?

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Same logic many rationalize not going to the dentist or doctor



Not sure it’s just wishing. If they are going to take legal action they can’t comment or at least “shouldn’t “ comment until they have there ducks in a row.


Sitting in my lazy boy, sipping coffee & thinking on this scam

You know what is one of the best , random, left to chance occurrences in the history of comics?

The fact that a Marvel Value stamp showed up in/started in ASM issue #130 instead of #129. :blush:


When I was a kid and first started collecting back in the mid 1980’s anyone could go into just about any comic shop and pick up a low grade copy of AMS 129 or Hulk 181 for $5 or less. I thought about cutting out those stamps and putting them in a folder
 Then I found out how many there were and was like never mind. It would have taken too many allowances to get them all. Glad I didn’t do that.


love this anecdote.
hard to imagine, too, at this point in time. it’s crazy looking through those back issue ads in bronze & copper age comics and what the prices of keys were back then.

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Here are the results after a pressing from Avery


PGX is looking more and more legit these days :rofl:

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