I love the floor with it!


Cliffs: Vintage tier submissions discounted to $30 ($10 savings) but you have to submit 15 books minimum.

Is this what a dying company looks like on its last days?

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I saw that and was curious if one is a member and gets (example) a 10% discount.
So if normal fee is $40 less $4 (10% discount), will they apply the 10% to this discounted July deal?

in other words, will it be $30 - $3 = $27?

I was thinking the same thing. Have we ever been able to stack discounts on top of promotions before? I don’t have an account so i don’t know but this is the new cgc so…

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Yea… if they don’t offer the discount, it’s a bit “marketing style” misleading if one is not really paying attention.
Some folks even get 20% discount for that super tier ( believe). That’s a normal $8 discount (i.e. $32 per book).
Not to undermine a discount of any sorts, but $32 vs. $30 would not make me move.

Apparently now CGC has an inner well “warping” issue damaging slabbed books?

I need to check the ones I got back a few months ago…this issue has been going on/known for 2 months and I dont think CGC has a solution.

I saw a theory that it may be due to using addition heat to seal the case, making it more tamper evident…can’t make this stuff up.

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More disappointing developments but as I’ve said before, I don’t believe anything will take them down. There are too many people heavily invested in CGC graded books to allow that to happen. Personally I like the CBCS holder way more for its quality, look and feel yet I still send books to CGC because they sell better.


Is this the inner well warping issue you guys are talking about? Holy cow it looks awful. I watch a lot of pressing videos and I’m seeing this more and more from the books they get back. I won’t be sending in any books for my PC if this is what’s happening to the books. The books are getting damaged when it’s encapsulated.


What problem # are we up to with these clowns again in last 4 - 5 years? 15? 16?

A chimpanzee could be a better president/ceo


When making money is the only thing that matters this is what happens.

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Since Blackstone bought CGC is when the majority of issues started. Just a greedy organization. 100% of the time it is profits over customer service/satisfaction and quality control.

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Cliffs: CGC got sued and lost $10 million.

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Oh man… Dont tell me that. I just submitted 6 books (the most I have done) to CGC over at comic con. They ruled the con. CBCS only had 3 people for the show. Like whaaaat! Stupid move. And for that, CGC got my business this year. Man oh man. Hopefully I made a good choice lol. Cuz there is only 1 book of the 6 that I intend to sell. So lets hope this does not effect the value of that book.

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10 million for dissing a restoration company…in a public forum no less.

Didn’t realize comic book restoration (essentially ruining books) was a big money.

“Sir, can I pay you hundreds of dollars to make my comic book worth less?”


Has to be more to the story. The community shits on cgc all the time, heck the worst critics are users on their own forum :laughing:

What’s likely is that cgc’s shoddy business practices were presented to the courts and when they reviewed the evidence they were disgusted with what they saw lol.

Matt was the head grader before he became president and he accused them of fraud. Matt as the head grader of cgc had the platform to cause irreparable damage to a restoration company’s reputation. Also in the suit, they claimed they were given low grades because they had a rift with cgc. It’s something the community has suspected but had no way to prove it, that cgc gives gift grades to some of their elite customers (Comiclink, Heritage etc), that they’re not inpartial to everyone.


That is the big takeaway, that CGC directly effects the grades of the books


I went to the CGC forums to see if they’re talking about it. Sure enough there’s a thread about it but the posts are being deleted by CGC.

I then went to check up on the CGC inner well warping issue thread and holy cow there’s a wildstorm brewing there, people are really upset and it appears CGC are deleting posts and trying to sweep this under the rug.

Holy crap, this was from a user who sent in an X-Men 1 that was super flat and the warping inner well caused a 3 giant creases to the book, this can’t be fixed. Click image to see the damage.

This from another user

Ok, this is enough for me to not send my books to CGC until they get this issue fixed. Those creases to the X-men 1 is gross!


It just keeps getting better and better

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lol they can say anything and excuse it as its part of the process. Never using them. no credibility. the whole industry is rife w/ con artists.


I’ve been preaching since I found CHU back in 2013 to just keep your books free and floppy… you’ll never have to worry about others handling your books and damaging them, assigning them crappy opinions, etc.


And the best thing about keeping them free is, the older ones you can take out from time to time and smell them, brings back the fond childhood memories.