I believe the “seasoned” grader are sent to VINTAGE tier and Re-holder process. While your grader with limited experiences are left at modern tier. Seems like CGC is LOSING BUSINESS… they are taking every opportunity to ADVERTISE (When’s the last time you saw CGC advertising on FBCD day and having a new label for that…) and DISCOUNT grading to attract new submissions. They been going HARD at it (program designed to get more NEW submitter) since the last couple scandals and in a down market… They might of started laying some people…


I sent mine in early April. The comics are in transit back to me…that’s about a 30 day turn around with pressing (no fast pass). 3 modern books.

My modern magazines are still processing with pressing. They were shipped with the comics. So apparently modern magazines are much slower than modern comics to process…despite the website estimates they are the same…/


CGC’s JSA label. $25 per signature.

PROD-3609 CGC x JSA label Image (5)20240501103543185


JSA has criteria for grading an autograph?
Is this new for JSA?

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Yeah, I’m confused…

Apparently grading autographs is a thing…

And we thought the grade of the book was subjective, despite having criteria….but how do you develop a criteria for an autograph when everyone’s signature is supposed to be unique? Shouldn’t the person who creates the signature (the signor) be the one to say what they consider their 10.0 signature to be?

And he worst part is collectors will eat this up…


Mo money, mo money, mo money


We’re grading signatures now? I’d hate for my signature to be graded, my handwriting is terrible!


I can see how autographs could potentially be graded. I’m sure if you’re a collector you’d want a signature where you get the complete name instead of a scribble. They should probably focus on improving their business practices and grading skills.


Hmmm…very interesting.
I immediately think of Rob Liefeld. Regardless of your thoughts on him, he does a pretty cool block type, blood spattered signature on some things. It costs more, but it is pretty cool to be honest. He also just does a regular old signature. So where would those fall? They are both signatures…one is certainly more intricate and cool than the other.

Stan Lee also immediately comes to mind…sadly…towards the end, his autograph was absolutely horrible. Night and day difference could be told with him. And there are a TON of his autographs out there.

I guess my point is how does one come up with a grade criterion for an autograph when they are unique to the signer? That’s the whole point of a signature? Every autograph would need its own grading tier and baseline to compare to. It makes no sense…at least to me.

But bravo for CGC and the money grab for something that is essentially flawed to create a standard for.

Best of all, it only applies to verified signatures. So does that mean a signature that is graded 7.0 is only 70% legit?

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When I step back and take a breath, it is hard to imagine why anyone would care about the 'grade, of a signature. Sheesh…surely people will see through this utterly artificial invention (he says in hope rather than expectation)

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I don’t believe in the whole grading thing, but I bought into it when I realized other’s did. Afterall, it made me lots of $$$ when I jumped into the scam. So effectively I’m selling (imo) junk to folks who think it’s gold.

If grading a signature brings me $$$ after monitoring this nonsense for about a year, then I’ll use it also. I have to see if worth it and educate myself on whatever nonsensical criteria JSA has established.

If I think grading a comic is nonsense, words can’t even be written on how dumb I think grading a signature is. But again, I don’t care - I just ditch this stuff and let someone else own the kitchen sink.


Unlike grading, where you can just remove the book back to its original raw form, signatures are technically damage to the book that cannot be reversed.

If you think about it, paying someone to intentionally damage a book is it pretty ridiculous. Now we’re going to pay to have someone assign numbers to how well they damaged the book.


It’s all part of the intricate game that has been created; of our own doing. Sadly

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At least grading a book makes some conceptual sense. I get that grading the condition of a paper item that has been around a long time can be indicative of its rarity and value at a certain point in time. (Let’s set aside the practical implementation of this concept for a minute).

Grading how clearly someone wrote their name on a paper item is just dumb from my POV. I can see for myself if a signature is so massively smudged that it is unattractive. Beyond that, do I really care if it is a particularly nice loop on that ‘g’ - no I don’t and surely most people do not either.

Like the 9.9 and 10.0 fiasco, this is clearly a ploy for resubmissions, or extra fees for witnessed books. People, please do not buy into this nonsense (he says as he is trampled beneath the feet of said people rushing to give CGC more cash and keep the corporate bods happy).


Everything you said is true.

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Picture this…someone with a witnessed Stan Lee signature sends the slab to be cracked by cgc in order to get a graded verified signature…

And since authentication service is separate organization, they cannot use the fact that it was “witnessed” as a means for concluding “authentication”. and as Stan’s later signatures are so inconsistent it comes back inconclusive….

Result: Raw book where the witness chain broken and authentication failed.

It will happen.


Gonna bookmark your prediction to see how long it takes to occur, cuz it probably will.