Christmas Pickups

Thought it might be cool to share books we got as Christmas gifts. I got a few Spawn books I had been wanting and a gift certificate to my LCS. Anybody else get some cool books?


No comics but my family got me some really cool figure, statues. I love the Quantum Mechanix figures.
My loved ones “get me”. :grin:


This was my only comic-related gift, but it’s a great one.



I grabbed a little comic bundle online but will post that when it arrives.

My wife bought me the Metroid Prime Samus Varia Suit Exclusive Edition but that only arrives in Q3 2024 so looking forward to that coming, huge Metroid fan.


My only gift was traveling to North Carolina with girlfriend to meet her awesome dad for the first time in person. He had ordered the new Godzilla Pinball machine and it arrived two days before we arrived, he waited so we could help him set it up in his pinball game room with the others he has. It was a blast… Memories are great presents!


I actually asked for nothing this year. I really didn’t want anything. I have so much and am blessed. This of course was mostly disregarded and I heard grumbles from Thanksgiving on that people were having a hard time shopping for me. Needless to say I did receive some stuff, and I appreciated everything people got me. I got a couple of Jason related things including a Jason Mask desk lamp and Chibi Jason bank. Will show them off later.


Same here, I got nothing, asked for nothing… but my water heater the day of leaving for NC started to leak so I suppose I’m buying myself a new water heater as a present? :thinking:


I didn’t ask for anything but I did stress to my wife I want to get on a keto diet. I’ve put on some weight due to stress eating which got me back into old habits.

She decided to load up on keto recipes books, keto snacks, etc. She is also going to join me on the keto diet!

My only comic book related gifts were stackable comic book boxes and this shirt.

I have a Marvel version of this shirt. I think the creators of the shirt struggled when it came to Aquaman.


I’ve tried the “I don’t need anything” and I’ve found expel are going to buy you things regardless and more often than not they waste their money. So I throw a few bones out there to ease their frustration. But I hear ya…I don’t need anything.

Here are a few comic related gifts I got.

This I did not ask for…in laws got it for me. Should be fun to try out though!

Asked for this for my birthday a few months back when people were desperate for ideas. It’s not an expensive book (can find for under $100 on a good day). But I’m trying to save up for some grails over the next year or so…so I’m letting people get me inexpensive books for the PC.

First Sky Lynx plus cover. I intentionally asked for a CBCS slab because I knew I could trust the grade. And it is every bit the 9.8 so I’m pretty happy with it.


Wifey really loves me. These are so cool


Those sir are a thing of beauty !


I got this,


Earlier this year I asked who was in the States and who was elsewhere because I was going to try and set up a “Secret Santa” but I didn’t want to exclude people out of the States, so I gave up on the thought somewhere along the way, it would have been fun though. :slight_smile:
Like I mentioned earlier in another post, I’m going through something, I really can’t figure it out. I’m depressed but I’m not sad. I’m missing my Father. I am missing My Family and it’s closeness. Just a lot of grief maybe and I figured it would be too much work with what I’m dealing with… I dunno.

This year, what I got from my loved ones.
• Black Weatherproof Socks
• White Undershirts
• A Bigfoot Hoodie (Just Arrived Today)
• Mexican Ghost Tales of the Southwest
• Mexican Folk Tales
• 2024 Daily Planner - 2024 Daily Planner One Page Per Day

This past year I honestly tried to keep a journal and I got something similar to the 2023 planner. I tried to write in it often but I did miss some days. It will be fun to start collecting them every year and pass them on to my nieces/nephews when I pass. When my Father passed I found one of his and just thumbing through it brought back a lot of good memories.

From a White Elephant Gift Game I got a car scenter with my niece’s facial expression on it (she is turning 1 on the 29th) , with a bar of Disney Soap and something else which I have not figured out yet but it’s an artsy fartsy thingy. :slight_smile: Some coworkers game me a Mrs. Prindables Apple ( , another one gave me an ornament + chocolate. Nothing big…

I hope you all had a good Merry Christmas.


Good to see you. Been about like 4 years since I last saw you around!


There is a convenient store in my neighborhood that I go to everyday because the Manager told all her employees not to charge me for my soda refill. I gifted that manager with a COSTCO Membership this past year and I am going to miss her when she heads to Colorado in March. Anyhoo one of the employees owns that Spiderman Speaker and thought it was the coolest thing. Good to see others also got it !


@CRUZZER Thanks! Its good to be back…Been working thru some things.
Hope everybody has a great New Years !


I was given a physical copy of, “Mr. Boop,” for the holidays. Loved reading it when it was serialized online and had read a digital review copy some time ago, but wanted a physical one as it was so hilarious and twisted.


Bitterbaum, have you ever thought about having a podcast?

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Attempted one solo years ago, it didn’t go anywhere. Contributed to one some years later still a long time ago, but then they folded. If someone wanted to pay me to do one I might.

Same… I wrote about briefly above, also here,

Mine finally came today. This might be the only figure I take out of the box and display it.