CHU Blind Faith Holiday Giveaway

Something cool. CHU Blind Faith Mylar

You may have it, its listed as a used Mylar. Total combined price is $5 to cover shipping and Gemini mailers.

Will you gamble?

You will at least receive the following items.

1 used Mylar, as shown above
1 Gemini style mailing box
1 lot of packing tape
1 mailing label

I could use a used Mylar.

The tape looks to be in prestine, 9.8-level condition. I’m very interested.

Sure why not

One left. You will not see a Mylar like this for $5 shipped again

I missed out, says all were purchased >.<

And all gone. Thanks for the trust. As a reward, I am adding something a little extra to the Mylar. Thanks to Comic Blend for sending these over. I am throwing in a copy of their We Live #3 Exclusive by Ryan G Brown. These are limited to 500 copies of which I will be sending out 1/100 of the print run.


Sorry. I was in error. These were limited to 300 copies.

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Damn just saw this now… that’s ok though, I’m sure the Lounge mylar will be even more exciting :+1::persevere:

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Thank you for reminding me of this tune…it’s probably been 25 or more years since I listened to it!

Now I gotta hustle for something for the lounge.

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And then hustle even more for the ******** ******* (;

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Well we are always accepting giveaways from retailers. I have some cool stuff coming up. You can usually tell by when I post a specific exclusive on the main site speaking of which, need to post an exclusive on the main site,

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SShhh… you didn’t abide by the first rule…

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