CHU Forums Maintenance @ 06:00 UTC

Doesnt matter timezone of server. Servers now default to UTC and I’d still use UTC in the notification since we have visitors worldwide.

Hong Kong

I knew it was a computer nerd thing…

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@Poka we said your name three times like Beetlejuice and you showed up.

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Go back to sleep. You haven’t missed anything worth losing a few minutes of shut-eye for…

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Or a way to say what time based on UTC… That caters worldwide.

If I wanted to get nerdy… Next time I’ll tell you when the maintenance occurs in Unix Time. Yes… Unix Time is an actual thing…

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Monitoring skynet


For you the forum maintenance is @ 1603692000

Your welcome!

Anyone figure out the time for eastern?

Your kidding right?

i dont think he is … cause im wondering the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Did the update happen?


Been up for 7 hours and 24 minutes…

# uptime
13:24:26 up 7:24, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.09, 0.08