Comics Podcasts

Any recommendations?

I am a big fan of Word Balloon. The host John Siuntres is great. He’s been doing it for over a decade. I’ve been listening to it for a few years now. Mostly it’s interviews with creators, but I think what makes this one different is John’s style and how he digs deep with the guests. He has a show with Bendis like once per quarter and he has many other high profiles creators on quite a bit.

I also like Comic Book Commentary quite a bit. I just recently found this one a month or two ago. It’s where a creator who just had a book come out the current week will talk about the comic, literally panel by panel, page by page. One of the most recent ones is with Jeremy Whitley talking about Future Foundation 1 & 2. There’s a great one with Kelly Sue DeConnick from a few weeks ago talking about Aquaman #51.

Just interested if anyone has any recommendations? Always looking for new content.


I listen to a podcast called ‘CBC (comic book ‘cast)’. They dont really talk about comic books, but they highlight any news from tv/film, related to comic books. I also listen to ‘Conspiracy Comics podcast. They are just a bunch of idiots who talk about comics, and I listen to another podcast called ‘Screw it, we’re just gonna talk about Spider-Man’. This podcast goes over each issue of ASM, starting with AF15. I was listening to this at the time that I was reading my ASM vol.1 Omnibus.

  • in ASM #1, in the 2nd story, Peter Parker is referred to as ‘Peter Palmer’. Im not sure if this was an editing error, or if Stan had not fully decided if Pete was gonna be Parker or Palmer, yet.

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“Peter Palmer”…sounds like a bad porn star name…

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When. I read the reprinted version of AF 15, it threw me off when it said Palmer. I’m glad they changed it to Parker lol

Can you find these podcasts on Spotify?

I’m sure you probably can find them on Spotify. I use an app called Castbox for all my podcast listening. It’s pretty simple and easy to use.

I get my podcasts from the stupid apple. Not sure if they are on spotify.

I will be on several episodes of Barzinga. A what are you reading/what are you drinking type podcast. They are editing the first couple of episodes before they release them. Will update when they are posted.

“Comic Book Club” is really good. Fun. The three of them mainly talk modern comics, but they’re charismatic and entertaining

Nice! Thanks for the recommendations. I’ll check out Barzinga and Comic Book Club.

Another one that is pretty entertaining is Gotham By Geeks. They talk about modern stuff and they also pick older Batman stories, read them and discuss them. They recently did Knightfall. They’ve done RIP and many others as well. They crack me up.