Curses! Spoiled Again! (10/2)

What’s everyone jones’n to see tonight?

DCeased finally have any surprises (of course it will!)

Is AC-Immortal Hulk have anything in content that will Push the 1:25 current market value higher?

Will Batman 80 confirm Alfreds death? Or will it be more Bat/Cat schmoopy schmoopy?

Will we finally get some Legion in our Legion of Superheroes 2 issue comic series?

FF reveal cover suggests new Unparalleled team of heroes.

Here’s some fresh Spoiler for E-bay Sales Tax info they just e-mailed me.

As you may be aware, 11 new states have adopted Internet Sales Tax policies as of October 1, bringing the total to 34 states that now require the collection of sales tax. As the impact of this tax law becomes more apparent, PayPal and eBay are making changes that will make Internet Sales Tax collection less complex for buyers and for you.

Starting in November 2019, the way taxable transactions are processed and how taxes are collected for remittance will change, as follows:

  • In states where eBay is required to collect Internet Sales Tax from buyers, order totals sent for processing will reflect the gross order amount inclusive of tax.
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We understand that the holiday selling season is nearly upon us and we are working to make this transition as smooth as possible.

Learn more about Internet Sales Tax in the eBay Seller Center. If you have questions about how Internet Sales Tax may affect you, we recommend consulting with your tax advisor, or our partners Avalara and TaxJar.

As always, thank you for selling on eBay.
eBay Team

I’m in NYC for New York Comic Con… :slight_smile:

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Immortal Hulk’s back up story have any spec? How does that story tie in to the Cosmic Ghost Rider stuff where I thought the only one’s left at the end of time were Thanos and Frank castle? Some confusion here heading into #25.

Is Savage Avengers actually going to get some Avengers into the book?

Anything at all in HOX6 to give us any hope at all for the future?

Big ending for the Champions series or out with a wimper?

So how is this new and improved for those of us who have been in states collecting tax since The beginning of the Year? Seems like they just added more states…

Evens the playing field a little more from my perspective at least…

Yes, it appears to level it out for walk-in also since it’s now a good chance purchasing on E-Bay may actually cost more than purchasing locally if the State the E-bay seller is located in has a higher tax rate than the one you live in.

Green Lantern #12 final pages ?


Resemblance is…uncanny?


FF #15 cover c and Bizzare Adventures #1 1:25 got me to buy some comics.

Anything of importance going on in Absolute Carnage Immortal Hulk #1? Thanks in advance.

I noticed some slight changes to some of the art in Spawn #300 2nd Printing.

I just really enjoyed Future Foundation #3 which had a great surprise twist on the last page. It’s too bad they chose to cancel it before the story even got going.

Did anyone spolierize FF #15? Looks like the whole thing’s spec potential. 7 new heroes and one’s already romantically entwined with JS.