Curses! Spoiled Again! (8/21)

This one has more looks at her costume included.

I suspect Star pushes her too far and she does something she regrets or that the Avengers/public perceive as evil and she gets pushed to acting evil. Star is believed to be a hero and that’s going to end badly in #11, most likely with a death that needs Avenging. CM now appears to be full on evil after already being under the media blitz Minerva unleashed on her with Star’s manipulating of the MS Magazine article to make her look bad. They’ve been hinting at a return to the full blown alcoholic state for both her and Iron Man recently so it wouldn’t surprise me to find booze factoring in as well. It’s too bad there’s not a Demon in the Bottle type issue for her like there is for Tony. It would have been cool if they’d made Ripley’s family a victim of one of CM’s earlier binges as a motivation but they apparently didn’t give it a thought. This looks like a fun ride for the next several issues and now I’m thinking 11 may get a surprise 1st peak at the new costume seen on the cover of 12 so maybe I should grab a few extra copies just in case.