Daredevil show/movie?

Depends on what you’re asking them for… But gotta give credit where it’s due, most of those “Benjamina’s” in Thailand probably look better than the actual females do… :rofl:

Very “internet famous” video of a drunk westerner in Thailand

It’s Marvel. They’ll call her She-Benjamin.

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Looks like there are some set backs as Marvel fired all the writers.


" So, in late September, Marvel quietly let go head writers Chris Ord and Matt Corman and also released the directors for the remainder of the season as part of a significant creative reboot of the series, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. The studio is now on the hunt for new writers and directors for the project…"

There goes the villain specs… :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

“But sources say that Corman and Ord crafted a legal procedural that did not resemble the Netflix version, known for its action and violence. Cox didn’t even show up in costume until the fourth episode. Marvel, after greenlighting the concept, found itself needing to rethink the original intention of the show.”


I may as well say “grass is green” here, but this is bad. At least a quarter of the way through production and pulling the plug? Not sure how it gets to that point.

Welcome back Daredevil writers!



It might be for the best. Too many of the shows lately have been “meh”.

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Uh, yeah. If you’re not having Matt suit up as Daredevil until the fourth episode, you’re not doing it right.


I mean, it was an 18-episode series. You don’t want to have him in costume right away or what else are ya gonna do?

Who the hell has the attention span for 18 episodes? Stick to the 6-10 rule, Marvel.

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I think 6 might be the magic number. I don’t know how they’re going to fit everything into the last 5 episodes of Loki…but I know it’s going to go fast and will be exciting.

All they did was basically talk and walk around the first episode last week and it still felt fast paced and crammed in so many little nuggets I’m dying waiting for what’s next tonight!

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I kind of hear you, but at the same time… does it really need to take that long? They’re not building up to Daredevil’s origin; he’s been introduced.

How many people – in an MCU audience who likes action – would be cool with buying four issues of Daredevil and have him only suit up in one? Episodic TV may not exactly be a 1:1 comparison with comics, but I don’t think it’s too far off. If Bill Bixby took 4 episodes to finally Hulk out, would The Incredible Hulk TV series have become a hit?

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The comic is hardly ever based in the courtroom, ‘matt murdock the lawyer’ is mostly an alter ego cover story so that he can almost never work during the day. Foggy nelson does all the lawyer stuff while matt is more of a detective that beats up ninjas.


Wilson Bethel will return as Bullseye




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Actually, that’s just a typical New Yorker entering a bakery.


Forgive me, but the new Bulleye suit they’re using in Born Again is absolutely horrendous. It looks like what one would see in a cheap Daredevil porno.