DC Future State Spec

I never said they won’t be around forever… I’m just not spec’ing on them as characters. DC and Warner Brothers are a complete mess when it comes to their property and I don’t see anyone swooping in to save them anytime soon.

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Look at what happened with Marvel in the 90’s. They went like bankrupt, their stock tanked. Did Spiderman go away, and look now there is a Black Spiderman. And they were bought out by Disney.

Disney has enough money where it could just buy DC and just mess with everyone and combine all the universes.

Again, never said they’re “going away”… just said I’m not spec’ing on them. I think most DC characters and titles currently are dead spec. If they do heat up, it’s going to be brief for the quick flip… maybe… just maybe one day they see some love in the future on current issues but again, I’m not holding my breath. :wink:

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I think it will be big, considering Marvel’s biggest character, Spiderman became Miles Morales. DC’s tied for 1st biggest character (Tied with Superman), Batman can be Tim Fox.

But Miles Morales is just another Spider-Man in another Universe. We still have the other Spider-Man. I don’t see Bruce Wayne being replaced permanently and these are vastly different character types.

We’ve seen Batman replaced before, he always comes back. He’s like a case of herpes… he’s never truly going away as Bruce Wayne. :wink:

And think of what would happen if Someone like Disney bought DC… Think of what would happen to the 1st appearance comic values when it starts making movies with those characters.

If I was Disney, I wouldn’t waste money on DC… they’re already doing a good enough job with the characters they have now. Marvel’s B and C rated characters are better known than most DC characters… :wink:

I’d pay up for the rights of just Batman and Superman, if they were cheap.

And look at the empire they have, they always have room to build. Their stock is at 180.93 right now. It doubled in like 9 months. They have plenty of money for M&A.

Well, soon enough they’ll just be public property…

“The copyrights to Superman, Batman, Disney’s Snow White, and early Looney Tunes characters will all fall into the public domain between 2031 and 2035.”

Unless the copyright owners bribe our government to change the copyright laws… :wink:

Someone will find a way to make it so they own the exclusive rights to them after 2031.

Disney did it once in the 90s… https://screenrant.com/characters-public-domain-disney-copyright-lobby/

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Lots of back patting and bribes… but sooner or later, they’ll lapse. Things need to fall into the public domain. I don’t think copyrights should end up going beyond the creators lifetime myself, maybe just a few decades so the heirs can enjoy some royalties for just being blood… after that, it should all be fair game to all to use.

But that never happens that’s why there is the world of Business. Or business would never exist.

Tis why they setup limits so there’s not just one controlling entity… it’s actually bad for business when there’s too much control for a very long time (it stifles competition). Sure Disney wants to keep on owning the copyrights, it makes them money so they don’t have to actually think of creating new characters and property…

So Disney will lose rights to marvel characters???

Everyone will lose rights eventually.

Currently… “As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years.”

So create a character, copyright them and you lose rights to public domain in 70 years after your death it’s been created/copyrighted.

So your saying Disney will have to Buy DC to reallocate it’s portfolio in the Future.

No, I’m saying it’s not wise to buy DC unless copyrights are yet again extended. If they wait long enough, they can just use the characters as they see fit once they’re in the public domain.

Maybe this is a reason why we see Disney starting to ramp up their second sets of heroes recently created. Like Miles Morales will be owned for what, well beyond the year 2100 while Peter Parker will expire sooner rather than later…