DC New 52 Combo Packs

I loved these when they were out! Some of the polybags have absolutely DISINTEGRATED! But there were some really great covers! I don’t consider this one a ‘great’ cover, but I do like it


There were, surprisingly, two Combo Pack covers of Justice League #1


The covers often had slight different colours, and by all accounts a much smaller distribution.(More akin to newsstand numbers) Particularly towards the end.
I always liked this one

Maybe not now but I could see a future where collectors put these in high demand. So I keep an eye out for low priced keys and the later issues like Batman #40 / Detective Comics #40 / Green Lantern #40 / Justice League #40 / Superman #40 Batman Superman #20 / Superman Wonder Woman #17 and Sandman Overture #5 (List taken form elsewhere - There are a couple of articles written around the time speculating on the possibly low distribution)


I like where you’re going with this list! Who knows what the future holds?

At current prices though, these are buys in my opinion if you believe in DC

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there was a demand bump like at the end of new 52 , i think most people moved on to the next new shinny object

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True that! But even tarnished objects can be loved :joy:

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I have several copies of Action Comics #9 in the combo pack including a 9.6. As far as I know they were sold at Walmarts.


When they first came out, my LCS had them. I was on a budget back then and I just couldnt see myself paying $1 extra for a digital code when Marvel was giving them away for free. Oh well…

I went heavy on this. I loved this arc with Grail and her Amazon assassin mom, Myrina. This is the combo pack and newsstand of JL 40


@Pittsburgh, I’m going to quote Algernop Krieger and ask you to stop. “My penis can only get so erect.” I have newsstands but I don’t think I have the combo pack variant of this. Going to have to check my boxes and bins.


I’m here at work and now my co-workers are asking me if I’m okay due to my sudden burst of laughter!

Thanks man! :laughing:


Batman 6, New 52. First full Court of Owls. I’ll have to re-read the TPB again to see. I thought this first arc was phenomenal by Snyder and Capullo (as was most of Batman New 52). The lighting on the mylar makes it look like the bottom edge is janky, but it’s not)


Batman 11. I just really like this cover

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Man, did I go heavy on Batman 40 before Capullo puts out his worst cover in the entire series. I like the premise, but not the actuality


Justice League 1 - Time Warner Initiative

I know of (2) that are on eBay at great prices (not that the spec on this is high)

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