Deviant #1 Error

Anyone heard of an issue where copies of the die cut cover for Deviant #1 is being shipped without the die it cover, aka an error cover. One of my lcs that I visit on Wednesday got one in and said he didn’t know if it was an error or a one per store but I could have it.

I had not heard about this but my interest is piqued.

my are die cut and i didnt even know they were

I don’t think there was a one-per-store for Deviant (we certainly didn’t receive anything like that). So unless they ripped off the die cut cover, it’s probably an error cover.

They didn’t rip it off. It was in the pile with the others. Possibly error

Yeah I’m nine 9s sure it’s an error cover (just said that as a CYA). And I took a quick a look at the other covers and I don’t think any other cover could be mistaken for CVR B sans die cut. So, yeah, most likely an error cover.