After essentially a year of no comic shows, I finally had the opportunity to attend one. I thought I’d share some of my observations and finds. Fully realizing a single show isn’t indicative of anything when it comes down to it.
I know some folks aren’t ready for cons. That’s fine/a personal decision. I’ve been vaccinated, my family has been vaccinated & I’ve had Covid already.
I’ve shared that I’ve been on a comic journey relative to buying/selling comics/toys to fund a trip to Hawaii for my amazing wife. I’m not in a hurry though, and I tend to only sell graded books. I tend to only sell when I feel the time is right as well.
My system thus far is: get books graded, sell them, and use a portion of the funds for additional grading, portion for new purchases, and a portion into the trip fun. For me personally, the grading fees absolutely pay for themselves on the books I choose.
This comic con purchase trip was funded largely by the sale of prior graded books I’ve show in this forum. 2 copies of Venom #3 9.8, Clone Wars #1 9.4, and Heir to the Empire #1 9.8. Some saving as well of course lol.
- Attendance and enthusiasm was high. It was packed from the start and stayed that way. Masks were in effect, but I saw no limits on people inside.
- Very few “blue chips” keys and frankly, very few silver, bronze, copper keys or popular runs such As Byrnes Xmen, etc. Not saying they weren’t there, but the really popular books weren’t plentiful.
- I saw one copy of Strange Academy–the Campbell copy…ONE!
- No copies of SIKTC #1 and just a token handful of any other issues.
- Zero copies of Ice Cream Man
- I saw many graded copies of different store variants/retailer variants that we often discuss here, but they sure weren’t selling. People liked to look at them/talk em up…but they sat.
- The cheap boxes of comics were the biggest hit and most crowded areas as always.
- The Calvin Ellis and Val-Zod books were selling like crazy. Like em or hate em,they were hot.
- Wandavision keys were a constant them at booths, but they were always overpriced and sat.
- Many vendors had tons of random graded books and they weren’t moving. I don’t know why people grade some of the books they do. Don’t grade dumb shit.
- Star Wars books are still on fire—however, one vendor was a shining example of the fact they just aren’t very rare. Dealer had about 5-10 copies of every single expensive/hot Dark Horse comic there is. I certainly bought some, and got some amazing deals from him, but still.
- Didn’t see many copies of ASM #300 and everyone was asking for them.
- Very evident that folks like “us” tend to be more of a minority with regards to awareness of spec books/keys, etc. I just don’t think there are as many people out there pay attention to the stuff we discuss. I could have spent another $1000 on easily on easy to flip spec type books. I just didn’t have the funds.
- Cash is king in my opinion. Some dealers (surprisingly) didn’t even accept cards. Bad move on their part but whatever. I saw many lost sales because of it.
- To the point above, I found dealers very receptive to cash offers and deals overall. I made it a point to always buy more than one book, let them know I’d pay in cash, and ask them “What can you do on these?” versus “Will you take xxxx?” I think this placed the ball in their court and yielded results. I really got some incredible deals.
- At the same time, I’d watch folks make offers on comics while trying to point out flaws, argue condition, use ebay comparisons, etc. This was always met with poor results. I think comic books are like children. You don’t mind pointing out your own kids flaws…but nobody else better do it.
- Only found one vendor who didn’t have his stuff prices. I’m not waiting around while you search ebay for prices. Absurd…he lost some sales for certain.
So, I had a pretty decent haul as pictured below. Please know, I saved and worked really hard to have funds for this show. I’m not a look at me type. I hope nobody feels my post is about that. I just want to share this journey I’m on. I had an absolutely amazing time digging and finding books I know I can flip, but also books I’ve really wanted and just can’t ever seem to find. I’m over the moon on the Tomb of Dracula #10 and Tales from the Crypt. They are absolutely beautiful copies.
I think I’ll slowly update this thread and I receive CGC shipments, and sales…end goal being at some point, you’ll all get to see me and Mrs. in Hawaii sipping cocktails on the beach. Thanks for putting up with the long read. I sure appreciate all of you. Many of the books I have purchased and ultimately sold have been because of your tips and assistance.