He was a nobody, and if he complained he just looks like a guy making waves about $125. No one would care. I get you have some sort of personal vendetta against Mark Spears, that’s cool. No matter who you are, you included, wants to be paid for their work. If you don’t, we can agree to disagree and you are free to call me greedy.
I have no “personal” vendetta. The guy quickly exposed himself as a dishonest, money goblin. That’s within his right to do. But, he won’t be immune to criticism.
This exactly.
Say one thing; do another.
And yes, I do have a vendetta for anyone that does that.
Yeah, I have issues when people live with double standards… One of the many reasons the ex-wife is you know… an ex.
Might not be a bad guy here. All Spears probably knew is that he hadn’t been paid his $125 he was contracted to be paid. He wouldn’t have been privy to the fact AM hadn’t been paid by Diamond and were running on fumes.
Diamond shutting down April 1 if no buyer is found.
This just shows the incompetency at that company. If they were smart, they would have sold them a few years back after they lost Marvel and DC.
Alot of stores have stopped ordering from Diamond.
Those February preorders are gonna be…rough…and sparse…
This is the beginning of the end for indies…
The only people likely interested in buying Diamond are the ones who need an easy tax writeoff this year. Anyone who buys Diamond won’t be interested in saving it, they’ll be breaking it down to sell off assets at a loss. The first thing they’ll do is lay off people, what Diamond is trying to avoid. I hope every single employee has got their resume updated and already searching for jobs, this is not a ship you go down with. Better start looking for new work now…
fcbd books from diamond are doomed
All Vault titles remain available to retailers through Lunar, Simon & Schuster, and direct wholesale.
Saw that coming when they first announced they filed. They’ve been such a train wreck, and continue to be.
My LcS can’t predict when new books will arrive…they say they might get some Friday…but they don’t know what titles…and if they’ll get any more or when.
Diamond has become a hot mess. Dumpster Fire. And it’s just getting worse. Both retailers and publishers that have paid for or shipped products to them will end up getting screwed. As a result. Some smaller shops may end up closing.
no way penguin will ship marvel books to diamond on credit anymore, i think it all collapses before april 1st
lunar and penguin should have a indy draft chappelle style
The fallout continues. Diamond will take other people out with them.
Zenescope sent out a letter for their new series going to Kickstarter citing “uncertainty in distribution”. The dominos are falling daily. I just don’t see a way going forward for Diamond as a continuing business.