I bet they do. Some, like Frankie’s Comics, owe them a ton. I had the Diamond “deadbeat list” at one point. It was fantastic.
Frankies went through bankruptcy, so they owe next to nothing now…unfortunately
But they owed, until the debt was written off.
Like a bad disease, they will be back
yep, new name, same crap
I thought it depends on the type of bankruptcy. In most cases it’s a reprieve to allow them to recover and after X amount of time or when the bankruptcy period ends, debtors who were not paid can start asking for their money again.
But think about who they owe money to. Most will be publishers and stores who will not want to deal with them again
They just need to change the sign above the door to fool everyone.
“We’re not Comic Mint….we’re Mint Comics!”
Speaking of store variant shops, and maybe a retailer can help me here, but aren’t store variants distributed to the retailer through Diamond. I know a lot of places (back in the day when I did some site variants) wanted me to be a Diamond Account holder and I thought shipped the store variants through Diamond. Can anyone confirm or deny? I am curious if this will effect the store variants stores from getting their variants sent to them if Diamond goes belly up.
That would be awesome is the store exclusive sickness was cured by diamond going under.
No. Except for the publishers stuck at Diamond.
Massive just announced the move to Lunar…
I think there will be many more too.
Yup, and like others have said there really won’t be much left of Diamond to make it worthwhile to buy come April 1st.
April fools to anyone still relying on Diamond to deliver…
I’m shocked Dynamite hasn’t announced they jumped ship yet. The last bigger publisher who is still exclusive to Diamond.
Dynamite needs it’s own warehouse just to house all the effing variant covers they produce for every single issue…
I don’t think COVID helped, for sure. But it was a matter of when not if with Diamond. My opinion is they ran into the same situation a lot of comic shops in the last 10-15 years have run into: too much inventory that didn’t sell in volume.
My guy feeling from working with them so many years is that as costs rose (staff, warehouse space, mail, materials, etc.) over the years, the work they did for the smaller titles and putting their fingers in so many pies just spread them too thin, and took up too much of their profit. You figure they have figurines, indie books, random merch, etc. where maybe they sold 1-2 items each to a couple hundred stores. That’s not a huge amount of money coming in for Diamond for the work and materials to get those items to the stores that ordered them.
Volume is king in distribution, and that’s why all the more popular publishers went one by one to better places with better offers when the chance came and all the smaller ones are kind of screwed over or have to band together.
Any LCS’s get diamond books today? ETA here is Friday.