Dirty D's F.O.C

Fashion School Serial Killer does sound weird enough to be interesting. As always, thanks, D-Bone!

Next putri?

I need to do a write up regarding a couple of comic cons I’ve attended as I spend a very considerable amount of time at both and did my best to make observations.

One of those observations was the amount of times I had fans of different ages, gender ask “do you have any Poison Ivy books?”. The request was made enough that I specifically made a note of it in a small logbook I carry. Again, I was helping a friend who had nothing by way of her books sans a single graded random book…so I wanted to make note to ensure I have my own section or box of random Ivy stuff going forward. These books will be included in it.


Honestly, I didn’t think it was as good as the previous cover.

her popping a squat on plant person’s head kinda turned me off.

I could see this Poison Ivy cover becoming popular. It has sort of a fantasy/fairy art to it that I think would appeal to a sub set of collectors.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day (eve), everyone! I empathize for those who still have young kids and try to trap Leprechaun’s…and wake up to a messy house. Cleaning up the house is not something I look forward too after the little buggers run rampant (whether it be leprechauns or children) …especially with it landing on a Monday this year. Going to be a rough morning. But, what we can look forward to are the comics on FOC this Sunday, coming out in the next month or so!




Fire & Ice When Hell Freezes Over #1 (of 6) (Dekal Variant)

Dekal doesn’t do many covers each month, but when he does he usually hits it out of the park. Here’s another for the Dekal fans (liking it for the St. Patty’s day green too!). Dirty D Cover-of-the-Week!




Ultimate Wolverine #4 (David Aja Variant)

Up there with Jeff Dekal is David Aja, in my opinion. He has that simple stile using solid colors and backgrounds (usually solid white). It’s almost like a negative space variant, but not quite. Not his best work here, but for a Wolverine cover I like it and picking up a copy for may Aja collection.




Geiger #13 (Cover A)
Geiger comes face to face with the unstoppable power of Ashley Arden, The Glowing Woman. Can he learn to control his abilities as she has, or will his growing power doom him and everyone he holds dear? Meanwhile, The Custodian returns-alive and more dangerous than ever. But what’s his connection to Junkyard Joe, and why is he back now? Secrets unravel, and the stakes have never been higher!
Lots of talk and praise for this series so far. The Glowing Woman has been on a few covers, but this might be the best one of her so far. And it goes along with the Geiger “half head/half skull” cover motif. So highlighting it here this month.




Eye Lie Popeye #4 (Video Game Homage Variant)

Issue #1 popped with it’s Mike Tyson Punch-Out video game homage. Could the Super Mario do the same?



Image is pumping out more awesome Jason Howard 2nd Prints for G.I.Joe and Transformers titles. Still going with A & B Good and Bad Guys/Gals. So let’s highlight those first.



GI Joe #3 (2nd Printing - Stalker)




GI Joe #3 (2nd Printing Chameleon)




GI Joe #4 (2nd Printing - Clutch)




GI Joe #4 (2nd Printing- Cobra Viper)




Transformers #16 (2nd Printing - Blast Off)




Transformers #16 (2nd Printing - Trailbreaker)




Transformers #17 (2nd Printing - Thrust)




Transformers #17 (2nd Printing - Shredhead)
Of all these reprint variants, this one is likely the one that has spec value. This issue is the first appearance of Shredhead, and there his is on the cover! Checks a few boxes.




Superman #233 Facsimile Edition (Foil Variant)
So hard to resist the shiny foil facsimile covers…This one is classic Neal Adams, and can be a bit pricey. So fax worthy for Adam’s fans.





Absolute Batman #7 (Cover A)
THE JOKER AND MR. FREEZE MAKE THEIR ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE DEBUT–STARTING HERE! It’s about to get icy cold in Gotham City…as we reveal the connections between a young, up-and-coming scientist named Victor Fries, his history with the Ark M experiment, and what it all has to do with the mysterious Joker. A bombastic two-parter with a guest artist, the one and only super-star Marcos Mart n, starts here!
Looks as if the Joker makes a cameo at the end of issue #6. So don’t go heavy here. I expect a 2nd print variants with Joker on the cover to be announced soon. If you don’t already have this book on your pull list, it might be a good time because more villains will be making appearances in near term future issues.




Web of Venomverse Fresh Brains #1
Meet the three new symbiotes who could put the Spiders at the edge of their webs! Which of them has what it takes? Could it be the devious Venomouse? The disorderly Katie Power? Or a whole new Eddie Brock? Read and find out!
Some new variations of Venom Symbiotes, if you’re still into collecting such things.





Yfu #1 (of 4)
A 4-issue sci-fi epic in the vein of Heavy Metal , Dune , and Star Wars , yFu follows the story of Andre the Patcher (a planetary cyber-empath), and a young farmer named Eston’ya on the desolate world of Markap as they encounter the “yFu” goddesses - caretakers of the Yearning Tree, who may hold the key to restoring abundance to the universe, and wrench it from the clutches of the ancient, evil Cron.
Interesting comparisons. No variants or incentives that I’ve seen. Although I’m not sure if Devil’s Due is still with only Diamond.





Dont Run With Scissors #1
In 1982, a tranquil town becomes the backdrop for a series of eerie and unsettling events. During a routine evening patrol, Sheriff Depero encounters a chilling scene: a blood-soaked woman dashes toward him, screaming that her life is in danger. Horror stands at the gates of the city!
This was on FOC back in early February. Since then Keenspot appears to have moved from Diamond to Lunar, so this book is on FOC again.





Superior Avengers #1 (of 6)
And there came a day, unlike any other, when Doctor Doom ruled the world…and he needed an AVENGERS team all of his own! Kristoff Vernard, son of VICTOR VON DOOM, has been tasked with building the newest iteration of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! But who are these would-be heroes? And how did they come to be the SUPERIOR AVENGERS?
Part of One World Under Doom. New characters, starting out as a team, but I would not expected any immediate flip potential here. I’m sure the print run will be large, so this is a long term hold. Reminds me of Young Avengers, so for that reason this is the Dirty D Pick-of-the-Week.


Drek of the Week - But Could Still be Fun



Invincible Universe Battle Beast #1 (Blind Bag Variant)
This is a first-of-its-kind blind bag program. The blind bags will include a chance to get ANY of the solicited covers from A through I. However, there are rare SURPRISE issues that may or may not be related to BATTLE BEAST or the Invincible Universe that can be found in these blind bags. Those SURPRISE issues will not be publicly announced in advance of the issue release.
Blind Bags and chase covers are starting to become a thing in comic books. The Marvel Whatnot comic trading packs seemed to have kicked this thing off and was very successful. The trading card collectors market has been doing this for a long time with success, it was inevitable we’d find publishers jumping on the train. People love to gamble their money away, whether it be at casinos or on scratch tickets, or blind bags.

You may not know what Battle Beasts are, but make no mistake…there will be A LOT of these made and sold…people are talking about it and hyping it…and it’s likely a sign of things to come for comic books. So it’s highly unlikely you’ll get much of anything of any value in these blind bags. It’s essentially like a scratch off ticket. So for that reason this is the Dirty D Drek-of-the-Week.

But just because it’s drek, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it’s entertainment value. I’ll be grabbing a few myself. So have some fun with it…pick up a few and open them if gambling is your thing…share on social media what you got. But do not break the bank on these.


Parting Thoughts

Happy St. Patty’s Day! Enjoy the week and your comics!

Fighting with my computer this evening…doesn’t want to open programs like Google Chrome and Microsoft office. Don’t really have the time to type anything up this week.

After some bigger weeks, this week is pretty light anyways. Here’s are the books I found interesting.

Detective Comics #1096 (Cover C - Chew Variant)

Not Asema’s first cover, but maybe her best. I think (finally) her identity will be revealed this issue (?) as the next one starts a new arc heading into issue 1100.


STAR WARS #1 - Sneak Preview Variant)

Star Wars is getting re-launched (again). The only thing interesting is this Sneak Preview cover, which I believe is just foreshadowing Aphra’s new upcoming aeries, Chaos Agent.

Summer of Superman Special #1 (Cover E - Zullo-Uminga Variant)

The Man of Steel and his universe of friends, family, allies, and rogues is in for some big changes, and it all starts in the Summer of Superman Special! This oversized issue will set the stage for all the major events exploding throughout the Superman titles!

Superman doesn’t really have much spec. But I like this cover of Krypto.

Redcoat #11

Enter the next great American myth from The Unnamed -The Northerner. Who is this enigmatic figure? What drives him? And why does the immortal Simon Pure stand as his adversary? Discover the untold origins of one of the most mysterious legends in American history-and uncover how his arrival reshapes the destinies of Redcoat, Geiger, Junkyard Joe, and the rest of The Unnamed.

Apparently this Northerner (The Unnamed) is the next big thing for Ghost Machine books. He’s appeared in cameos or spreads in a few books already, but this issue looks to fully introduce the character. And he’s on the cover!


What other issues did The Northerner appear in?

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cameo in shadows at the end of Junkyard Joe 6.

I have to check my copies but I don’t think that page with the Northerner shows up in Junkyard Joe 6.

He appears as a shadow in the epilogue. I would hardly call it a cameo. He’s standing next to Geiger.

Geoff Johns said in the retailer call he considers Redcoat 11 the true 1st appearance. He’s going to be central to this 3-issue arc before time jumping to other titles. But there will be people jumping on Junkyard Joe 6 just because of the info on the data sheet in Redcoat 11 naming that as his 1st appearance.


I got my copies of Junkyard Joe 6 and Redcoat 11 secured. The Northerner looks promising.

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Did Johns mention that the Northerner will eventually get his own title? If he does I can see Junkyard Joe 6 and Redcoat 11 both popping. All the major first appearances in the Geiger universe with their own series has popped to some degree.

yes, eventually but not for a while. Next major thing should be Geiger 25

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So was everything a false appearance?

lol. Hard to consider an unnamed shadowed silhouette a true 1st appearance.

Here is Superior Spiderman 1st apperance.

Shadow cameos are gonna be big cash in the future I can feel it. lol

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Did they appear? It’s a first appearance. You either in the book or not… if you’re in it, you appeared, doesn’t matter how small, the audience is aware the character exists, named, unnamed, shadow, no shadow, partial view, blah blah blah… . still an appearance! Nuff said!