Dirty D's F.O.C

Here’s another one. Ultimate Spider-man #1 has now sold out at Diamond and all but 1 cover from PRH. ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN 1 NIC KLEIN VARIANT is the only one left in stock. I got an order in yesterday before they sold out the other variant covers and grabbed 10 more of that one just now just to be safe. I expect as early as Monday there will at least be something on the shelf, just not the A cover.

speaking of…

Fake news. If you read the fine print it’s only a stapling issue with the 100 ratio. It affects tens of people but by not telling you that in the headline they can potentially get hundreds of people to click on it and activate all those ads and pop ups.

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Marvel Comics has told retailers that it has identified flaws on page one of the 1:100 David Marquez Virgin Variant and the open order Nic Klein Variant of tomorrow’s Ultimate Spider-Man #1,and so is issuing another reprint to arrive shortly.

So…they’re just sending a 2nd print of the 1:100 and Klein variant? II do t understand.

It’s a stapling issue according to PRH that doesn’t affect every copy. I fell for the click bait nonsense and called PRH directly to ask

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Marvel Comics has also admitted to “isolated printer flaws” in Alien #2, Star Wars: Darth Vader #41 and Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #39, which all came out last month on the 20th of December, and so a limited reprint has been issued, arriving at comic stores shortly to fix the issue.

Ok…so what are doing about the SYSTEMIC PRINTER FLAWS” with this week’s Star Wars books?

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Im not talking about clickbait. Im showing you that more copies are coming to the market…

You linked that clickbait article from the despicable BC. It’s a problem that according to the Penguin Sales rep I talked affects only a limited number of copies. The articles tricks you into clicking in to open it and it’s easy to miss that it only affects a tiny number of comics and while a few may make it to market, I suspect most of those were already sold or preordered so it may not result in a single copy making it there any time soon on the 100 ratio. I didn’t read the rest of the article after realizing they’d tricked me again like when they announced Doctor Strange canceled with issue #10 and promoted it again after being corrected.

I’m fortunate. My ad/pop up blockers make it so nothing pops up and benefits them when they trick me.


Speaking of Ultimate Spider-Man #1, what are you all seeing at your shops? TFAW seems to be out except for the high ratios. Midtown is out of a few covers and limiting the rest to 1 per person (not always a heat barometer, but sometimes). MCS still has most covers but is out of a couple. eBay isn’t looking hot yet, per se, but I know I didn’t expect this much sell-through on days 1 and 2. I figured this would be over-ordered and future dollar bin fodder.

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I just mentioned it in another message but Diamond has sold out completely, PRH is down to only one variant cover left as of an hour ago and I sold all store copies here and online yesterday.

I’ve also had a customer call in looking for it which I almost never get call ins for specific comics. The Klein variant is the one PRH still has in stock and I just ordered more of so it appears whatever BC is doing is working to scare people away from it for now. It doesn’t appear to be enough of a problem to stop PRH from offering it for sale 41 hours after street. Now I’m actually excited to see if I can find a copy with a stapling error when they get here.


Apparently, it is a good read and has a surprising character appear. I don’t recall how to make text blurred-out for a spoiler so won’t say.

You mean Green Goblin

Type your text out in the reply, highlight it and then click the “gear box”… :gear: and click “Blur Spoiler”…

Or wrap the text you want to blur with [ spoiler ] and then end with [ /spoiler ] without spaces.

This is hidden text done with the “Blur Spoiler” setting…

This is like typing with invisible ink. Cool.

There were lots of copies of ultimate spiderman at my shops today. I’m seeing more and more reviews from different places praising how amazing issue one was. I will have to read it.


I don’t know if it’s going to make your FOC list this week or even if you’re doing one with the light week but Beyond Real #2 is on the list. I don’t anticipate any spec potential outside the fact there will be more #1’s in print than #2’s by a long shot most likely. Still though, when a company can give away 2 to 300 thousand copies of Unnatural Order #1 and Beyond Real #1 while companies as large as Image can’t drop an extra 1,000 or so to keep Lunar supplied until #2’s hit the shelves I like giving them a little support.

stay away from roman ritual it looks like it just reprints the amigo series (company name has changed like 5 times since then)
oh and its a scout book now

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I did enjoy it the first time it came out but there’s no spec value.

Roman Ritual is a great book if you haven’t read it. But Scout seems to have gotten ahold of the old Amigo catalog and re-releasing a lot of the titles. I know Phantasmagoria has gone through three publishers. I have picked them up hoping it was a new series and each time it was the same.

But Roman Ritual is a damn good book if you haven’t read it.

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Yeah, worth a read. Would make a wild movie.