Don’t sleep on Glyph

No one is talking about Glyph getting her own show on Hulu. You can pick up Howling Commandos of Shield #1 1st Glyph for cheap there’s a 1;10 and 1:25 as well. Pictured below is the recent provisional patent list for Marvel.

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Thank you! I grabbed a couple back when you mentioned it. Found the regular & a “hip hop” variant cheap. Appreciated!

Im unfamiliar with Glyph as of this writing, but that patent list is a great spec tool. Nice spot on that, @Alana, and thanks for sharing. :+1::fire:

I have two signed copies up on eBay right now.

Midtown still has copys of howling commando on thier site. grab them while you can if you plan on speculating on Glyph. Cover A was going for like $5

1 Like Mycomicshop has some cheap ones as well.