Do you have anything to base that off of? They aren’t making money off of comics directly, so it seems odd that they would falsify sales data. I’d be interested in any background you have/know about it for sure.
You just have to look at the list it doesn’t go by units moved or gain in value it’s just a list of books placed however they feel or maybe whatever they own. Sub Mariner #1 is not the #2 Silver age book be lucky to crack the top 50 or 100. Batman #92 Artgerm #1 New book please can get for cover anywhere. It’s a bunch of garbage.
They only track graded comics, and it looks like Batman 92 Artgerm is selling pretty well (and also only #1 on their “recently released” list, but #10 on modern). In the little bit of digging I’ve done nothing on their list stands out as being grossly wrong.
And I still don’t see any motivation for them to try and alter the charts. If anything they’re incentivized to be as accurate as possible so that they can sell their subscriptions to their market data.
Well explain to me how a Sub Mariner #1 tracks higher than a Fantastic Four #4. If they go by slabs only I would think AF #15 would always be #1 followed by either Showcase #4 or Hulk #1then those followed by Tales of Suspense #39, Fantastic Four #1, X-men #1, Journey into Mystery #83. There is no room in Silver Age for a Sub Mariner #1 to be rated even in top 20. My Sub Mariner #1 cost me $10 probably around a 8.0 about 8 years back Fantastic Four #4 in a 8.0 wasn’t even close to affordable for me back then I settled on a 1.5 FF #4 years later. Do you also think a Batman #92 cgc Artgerm is the #1 new book Legends of the dark knight variant is pushing $400+ in 9.8 that fool wrote an article saying legend variant was selling for $85 consistently when actuality they were selling $200-$275 at the time on eBay and if they went by CGC sales the first three cgc 9.8 sales for the Legends variant was $500.
But if I specd on Punchline like many people did and bought a bunch of Batman #92 Artgerm variants like many people did I to would want that to be the #1 new book on some list so people can give me their money for my copies sitting around collecting dust.
You’re talking about value but GoCollect is tracking sales volumes. It’s just whatever is selling most frequently at the time, not what is selling for the most money.
Then again the list is bumpkiss if we are tracking quantity of cgc slabs “like that would help anyone anyways” and not value well Legends of the Dark Knight #1 moves more cgc copies at twice the price of a Batman #92 Artgerm especially if we are not counting Foil SDCC Batman #92 Artgerms so the list fails easily even with the parameters you give it cgc slabs at volume. Also I buy all my CGC slab preorders from an online comic store as do many others since they are available there well before eBay kinda seems dumb to track cgc sales volume for new books, Copper Age, Bronze Age, Silver Age, Golden Age, I guess maybe there is some value in Moderns knowing the volume of cgc slabs moving but if your waiting for that info you have probably already missed out on getting that hot book graded by CGC for a good deal.
I like some of their blog writers over there though a couple of them have some pretty decent spec and tips. Not big on the list.
I have a Subby #1. Also i was selling the Batman 92 Artgerm for $8.99 shipped. They cost me $3 each and shipping media was $2.80. Made me a profit of $3.19 each. Not great but since I had them listed as free shipping (built into the costs) people were buying 2-3 copies at a time. Now a $3.19 profit isn’t great but I have gone through a good number of them.
Go collects articles have taken a noticable down turn in the last few months. Lots of meaningless, useless articles that lean to the PnD side of things. They are quickly losing credibility, imo.
I think you’re missing the point of their site and their lists. They are collecting and reporting aftermarket values of comics in their pricing guide, and they are reporting of the volume of sales that drive that price guide in their lists. You purchasing from a store before the comic makes it to the aftermarket area (i.e. eBay, Heritage, etc) has no bearing whatsoever on any of the data they are attempting to show. And to complain that it doesn’t include that data misses the point of what they are showing completely.
It may have no value for you, but it’s definitely not “bumpkiss” (or rather, bupkis).
I am not going to argue gocollect any more if that’s your price guide and source for checking sales data so be it. You won’t convince me that it’s not a made up list.
In Alana’s defense, she is an intelligent collector with a crap ton of experience and knowledge. If she wants to dig in, Philly style, about comic related info, she has earned every right too, imo.
Was watching YouTube and got an advertisement of him shilling for Whatnot.
I believe he’s been in with Whatnot since its inception.
every week he puts out a top 10 vid of older books and its the same 20 books in a different order being used, what idiot needs to be told hulk 181 is a good book
I always hoped I’d see his cat go after him… just once. Oh just once I wished.
Now that would be a great video!
I thought he just ran through the Key Collector top 10 each week…who needs that explained to them…?