Comic tom is up to his misinformed accolades again. tom, this time, is blown away by the recent sale of an ANMPO #1, 2nd print. tom is claiming that the book sold for $2000. When one actually looks into the sale, they will instantly see that the asking price was $2000 and that an OBO was accepted. If you research a little further, you will see that the OBO accepted for the ANMPO #1 was actually $1250.
So, Tom is making videos pumping up a sale that he is claiming had sold for about 60% more ($2000) than it actually did ($1250). This misinformation does not do the market any favours as it is advertising false information that will artificially inflate the value of the book.
For those of you who follow tom, beware that he is nothing more than a salesman trying to influence you, and the market, so he and his associates can take more of your money, unnecessarily. tom, at best, is not knowledgeable about how eBay sales work, or,he is deceitful, at worst.
Either way, he is not someone whos word you should take at face value. Do your due diligence, comic friends.