eBay Headaches

Lol, that didn’t take long. The whole point to abandoning PayPal was “lower fees for us all”.

It was still costing us more. Ebay was full of it when they said that. The dollar amount ends up being higher without PayPal. They now apply the percentage with the tax included.

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Dont think that was the premise, but the percentage that goes to fees have certainly gone up rather than down.

The switch generated about $4 billion in revenues for ebay.

When was the switch? They’ve been doing this for a while, from what I can tell.

Call it a convenience fee for collecting sales taxes for you.

I just meant the switch to managed payments but I only started that within the last year.

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I still buy stuff on eBay but barely sell anything there anymore.


You all should have known… this is why I bailed ship immediately and stopped selling as I never gave them my banking info, etc.

If one wants sell, that’s where all the buyers are. Not me, but people selling $4 books are taking a noticeable hit.


That absolutely was part of ebays spiel about getting rid of PayPal. I clearly remember it not only being sent out in multiple emails but also in the help section of eBay. They were trying to tell us we’d be saving money with the switch because there’d no longer be any PayPal fees. Meanwhile they raised the actual percentage and charge those fees on not only the product itself but any shipping or taxes as well.


eBay acted like dropping PayPal was doing us all a favor. Calling B.S on that.


I’m used to the delay with the funds being deposited but miss those days of having it instantly. It’s the biggest place for comics so I stick around.


I still buy there a good deal. I just am selling a LOT less there.


Plus, if you want top dollar, that’s where to sell. The key is really using the platform that yields the most profit. Buyers having very little risk on ebay sure helps. It draws them in.

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From what I can tell, there is no financial advantage to selling on Mercari. Fees look the same (correct me if I’m wrong). They collect sales tax for you.

And you need to provide a bank account to get your money. Granted many just put it back into purchases.

Not enough to get me to abandon ebay for Mercari.

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Mercari and eBay are about equally a pain, yeah.

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Yeah , but everyone’s heard of eBay. Which is why I stuck around and didn’t switch.


True but I didn’t like that eBay was forcing me to switch to their management payments. Plus, I like Mercari’s much better, seems less likely you get screwed by buyers compared to eBay as they designed it much better in regards to how things are handled after the fact. But I don’t sell that often anymore on Mercari either.

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It may be the biggest, but some of the prices I’m seeing on No-name comics when I watch WhatNot sales are ridiculous. Some weird Amazing Spider-Man 13.7 or some dumb shit gets bid up to like $40 because of the format.

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This is absolutely not an eBay headache but it’s EBay related. I thought I’d seen every kind of comic packaging from horrible to perfect. I’ve seen all sorts of different off hand supplies used including plastic grocery store signs, cereal boxes, pool floats (noodles), etc. i received my one comic between two pieces of wood. Seriously Wood!!

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