eBay Headaches

Do non payment to cancel. If you cancel on the buyer, it allows them to still give feedback on their experience. I’d say send them a note to remind them, maybe they had a derp moment and thought they checkedbout and didn’t.


I’ve sent the buyer 2 payment reminders with no response. It’s kinda strange because the day after this person “bought” my Venom statue, a different person made an offer on a Punisher statue and didn’t pay for 2 days. I sent them both reminders and this one actually responded that they planned on paying today. I let them know that I appreciated the response and would go ahead and get the statue packaged up and ready to go. They ended up paying and I had it to FedEx within 30 minutes.

I’m going to send one more message to the Venom “buyer”, offering to cancel the sale, tomorrow. If I get no response, I’ll file a complaint with eBay.

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Ah, yeah, if you’ve sent reminders, I say don’t even bother. Just kick off the non-payment cause that can take up to like a week to close and then you’re in the clear of not getting feedback from them.


That sounds like a better plan. I don’t want to deal with a bogus negative feedback. The buyer’s username is a bunch of numbers which seems weird. It has 100% positive with 17 feedbacks (all as a buyer).

I know from personal experience that things happen to people that are, sometimes, extreme and out of their control but I gotta draw a line. Too bad there are so many scam artists out there that the “benefit of the doubt” has become an unacceptable risk.

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If a buyer hasnt paid after 3 days, open an Unpaid item case. There is no reason, in this day and age, that a buyer cant pay within 3 days. People arent stupid. The buyer changed his mind and is being a dick by not responding to you. If the buyer leaves you negative feedback, call Ebay and have them remove it. Ive done it many times.


I’ve had people pull the… “death in the family” excuse in not paying before. I’m all for giving some people the benefit of the doubt but sometimes you can just smell the BS when it’s not real, particularly when you see they bought and paid for other items in the same time frame as when they promised to buy your item for sale.


At least there is still some form of recourse and communication/process in place with Ebay. I agree it is no longer optimum…and a far cry from the past…but it still beats the hell out of everything imo.

Both Mercari and Amazon remain complete jokes (a few exceptions with sellers I’ve found who do a good job) when it comes to collectibles or customer service when things go awry.


After 4 days, 3 payment reminders, and a message from me telling the buyer that I’d cancel the order if they had changed their mind about it got no response, I filed a Non-payment claim.

An hour later I got a message from the buyer (from Puerto Rico) saying this: “Yo intento pagar pero no tengo paypal”.

I don’t speak Spanish but I’m guessing this means “I intend(ed) on paying but I have no Paypal”

The person has 17 positive feedbacks as a buyer so I’m not sure if PayPal is shut down in Puerto Rico for some reason. Or, is the eBay global shipping program still shut down and would Puerto Rico fall into that category? If this were the case, would eBay block the sale from completing?

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PR is part of the USA and served by USPS … also, I don’t think you have to be a member of PayPal to use PayPal …


I’m wondering how he purchased anything on eBay before. Money orders?

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He knows how this all works. His headache shouldn’t become yours. Follow through with your complaint so everything is official and be done with it. I have a feeling continuing to deal with this person will just become a big mess for you. Put the buyer on your “do not sell to list” and move on.


I believe you may be right.

When I filed the claim, eBay gave me the option to activate some sort of non-payment claim assistant that is supposed to make the claim filing, fee refund, and closing automatic from now on. Does anyone have any experience with this option? Of course, I’m still going to monitor this claim closely either way.

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I have only had one buyer not pay to where I had to file a non payment complaint. It was pretty easy and straight forward. All fees were reimbursed and I eventually did sell the item to someone else.

I don’t know of anyone who would take money orders over eBay, maybe the occasional ones but that’s last century…

I responded to his messageby asking what I can do to help. He responded “Esto me sala”, which Google translates to “this leaves me” and included this screenshot from the checkout screen on this phone:

It says that I have not included the shipping costs for his address. Not sure how thats posible if I have Global Shipping. Especially if Puerto Rico is considered a part of the US.

Yeah, if you don’t specify Puerto Rico as exclusion you ship to, should be part of U.S… You can send to PR without any customs, etc.

If it’s not calculating in shipping, sounds like it could be a eBay issue to be honest.

Having sold stuff to PR, it is the same as shipping to any other state/protectorate/etc.

The one thing that can be complicated and require customs but no extra postage is when you have someone on a military base in another country buy something. Had that once. Was messy.

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I wonder if his address is entered in correctly. What’s up with all those ‘X’s’ in the Zip code?

thats his phone number…


$40 sale I would just cancel it. Ive cancelled $40 sales when I’m out of printer ink since it costs $50 to refill it lol