Eight Billion Genies Exclusive Variant Scandal - Ryan Browne in Big Trouble

First time I have seen a proof of destruction video


Anyone destroying comics to make it more limited should be ostracized and ridiculed.


Normally I agree but not knowing that Image allows creators and Image employees a copy that bumps that actual print run than the store ordering the exclusives is kind of backwards if you ask me. Also at least he was picking the already damaged books to destroy and it was only a very limited amount.

I had no idea that Image allows the creators to re-order store exclusives. That basically removes all “exclusive” meaning with these. If I was a shop owner, I would never do an exclusive with Image ever again because it’s opposite of “exclusive” when the creators can go order whatever amount they want to sell…


I guess, yank the cover and donate the book to libraries or something… at least they’re still usable, just no longer “collectible”.

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Exactly. I didn’t watch the video so I didn’t know what they did to destroy them but donating to a hospital or something would make me more accepting of the practice. It was my constant hospital stays as a kid that got me into comics.

Do they “re-order” or does the retailer just up the order 10% or whatever they fell they need for “compensatory copies”?

Because If it’s truly a “re-order” and not just an set increase at the time of printing…they can just keep printing any book they want forever…

Neither is good…but going back to the printer and creating more is much worse practice in my mind.

Now the question becomes…is this just an Image thing…or do they all do this?

They tore the front cover off. The stack of coverless comics looked perfectly readable to me afterward.

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There’s not. At least not for Image specifically. Really the only fine print on the exclusive request form is the promise for MOQ for subsequent issues (if it’s an issue 1 exclusive usually). And that you can only print this comic (or GN) and can’t use the art for any other items including prints.

DC is the same but with even less legal and just the quantities and total costs and such.

Marvel/PRH is the only one that has something about the art not being used for other comics during the term.

Can’t find any other old publisher forms, but from all the ones I worked on in the past they were always just simple fill out this thing, sign saying you’ll pay this invoice, and that’s it. No big TOS or agreements or anything unless it’s hidden on some page somewhere that isn’t readily shared.