El Muerto Movie

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What a waste of a great talent

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I forgot about this movie.

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Would rather see this movie.


Zero interest in what will be a dumpster fire. I’d actually be more interested in watching a dumpster fire. All the characters available to make a film about and they choose a z-list character that no one’s heard of or cares about.

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Y’all hating but I’m curious about it. I’ll take a weird mess over something boring, is my logic.

It’s just sooooo easy to hate on it… However, I have no problem eating crow if it turns out good!

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I don’t judge these types of things until I’ve seen it or read it myself… This should be the way. Stay neutral until you actually see or read it.

Saw a lot of hate on some of the Disney+ leaks and such from folks who then ended up coming back claiming they liked it.

Kindergarten philosophy should make a come back in these cases… “If you got nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself” :wink:


Yes, but where’s the fun in that?

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Any future great movies will be made about obscure characters as we have all seen the well known ones by now… there are plenty of great unknowns in all comics across the board…some will be great, others not so…but seeing all my comic book characters in live action films and tv is what i have waited for all my life…what a time to be living in pop culture…bring them on.

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This sounds so stupid :skull: :skull:
“A wrestler gains super power through a mystical mask who originally fought Spider-Man in a charity wrestling match in which he nearly unmasked the webslinger before being stung by Spider-Man with a paralyzing poison.”

That’s a long sentence…


Spider-Man is known for poisoning people all the time. Has this person ever read a ■■■■■■■ comic book about Spider-Man?!

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The funny thing is its actually from the comics, which is from el muertos only comic appearance lol

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If This movie actually gets completed and I can sell my copies at a good profit I could care less how dumb it is…and it does sounds dumb, but hey sometimes dumb movies are the most fun… sometimes.

I will forever defend, “Eurotrip,” as dumb yet genius and hilarious.


Sayonara El Muerto

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Hopefully when Kraven bombs, this will get cancelled.

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Nooo! Not until I sell my extra copies of his super rare, super awesome, super first appearance! He’s the next Miles!

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