Just really wondering about this book. Cant find any on ebay know its the 1st app of the unparalleled team. The other covers ive found just not this one. Is there a reason why? Or am i just being a idiot lol.
Not sure if this will heat up much. I heard it was a ghost on Wednesday but Midtown has them in stock right now (one per). Very few on eBay.
There was a really quirky deal with ebay when trying to find that book. I never could quite figure it out, but I had to do a search on my computer versus phone to actually bring it up. It was never expensive when it did finally show up, but you are correct that there was something about trying to find it/getting results for it with searches.
It’s a ghost outside of the one per on midtown. Even when you can find it, it’s usually only one listing with a guy selling at $8 + shipping with multiple copies for sell. It will explode if the team gets their own book, because everyone will realize they missed out on this and there not going to find cover C at all.
Plenty of them on hand but as long as it’s selling for cover price to $8 it’s too cheap for an FEE-Bay listing. The story itself was well done. I enjoyed reading it from the point of view of the FF being the alien invaders. Hopefully something comes from it but so far nothing out of the FF has jumped including the Fantatix from issue #4 or the Herald of Galactus from issues #1 and #6 who’s in this week’s Doom #1 also and set to be running the country by issue #2.