Fcbd 2024

I had two subscribers for TMNT ONGOING, one’s already dropped the title now that they have a clear stopping point at #150 and said not to order the new series for him.

The other gets every cover including the 25’s and 50 ratio’s. He hasn’t said anything yet about the new #1 but if he drops IDW is going from me ordering 58 copies of all covers a month down to me ordering 2 A covers. That’s 56 comics less a month for no great reason I can see if it happens.

The every cover guy is also the person most likely to want a 500 ratio and have me order a 4 digit bundle for him but if they’re giving away the 1st and 1st cover in the Free Comic Book Day copy, I’m not sure he’ll still want a bundle and it sounds like limited chances #1 will be worth anything to anyone other than IDW getting a 1 issue jump from ratio chasers followed by a crash in lost regulars long term for the following issues.

Any retailer here want to hook me up with a good price on some books? Wanna give some out to my little league that I coach.

This is where having an open line of communication with a local store helps. If you talk to one and let them know what you want them for, they may even give you enough for the kids for free as long as you don’t mind having them store stamped so the kids know where to come for more.

At worst case, they could probably order in bundles from the remaining stock for you if they don’t have what you want on hand already. Officially they can’t charge for the items until the Monday after FCBD according to past selling restrictions. What happens behind closed doors with regular customers is another matter. Another option is after FCBD, Diamond usually opens up the remaining inventory for ordering by eaches instead of by bundles rounded up. Titles I don’t bring in before the event and people request, I can usually grab after the event without having to buy more than what the customer wanted. Over time the leftovers will make the clearance lists dropping down to as little as 4 cent a copy. I was checking out a few leftovers this morning from the new liquidation list.

Also keep in mind that if you’re looking for copies for investment and want high grade, FCBD books are pretty abused compared to normal comics. Every bundle so far has come in either shrink wrapped with little external protection in shipping or it was a DC book with those hard plastic straps around from two directions. I actually reported all the Conan’s damaged they were beaten up so badly in that evil little box Diamond uses for small orders exposing all four corners to direct impact.

I should also point out that it would be cool to just get the kids together for a visit to the store directly with all the kids at once on FCBD. They can pick them up in person that way and other goodies the store may be providing, maybe swing over for some hot dogs and ice cream afterwards, then hit the park for some practice or a scrimmage. It’s a Saturday so make a day of it the kids will remember.

Thanks for the tips. Going to see if my LCS can hook it up.

We have agame that day and no comic shops are closed by. They are all at least 20mins away and I dont think parents want to take them. We suffer enough with the parents bringing them to games and practices lol.

But I’ll bring it up and maybe who knows lol.

I pulled my FCBD books today. They can’t be picked up until tomorrow and I am out of town. Unstamped and clean copies.

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Any specific ones we should seek out?

Cgc hawking new FCBD labels and free associate memberships to get new users to send in FCBD comics for grading. Submissions has got to be down way more than we originally thought. This is the most desperation I’ve seen from them.


Highlighting a comic w/ a label, that I got for free, states it’s free in bold lettering, and am now selling for $XX amount of money is not a good message to potential buyers, imo.

Me: “Hey Folks - here’s a comic I got for free, and clearly says so; and selling to you now for only $75” because it’s in plastic with a cool label.
Them: Thanks, but no thanks @sshole. I’ll go get mine for free too.


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I got Johnny Quest
Initial D
Absolute Power
Archie Horror book
Some of the Marvel books I can’t remember.

This is just off the top of my head.


My LCS said ‘3 total’. Which is a new policy this year. Blows.

My LCS puts out just 5 books initially, then rotates them out with 5 more books a few hours later…then another 5 books.

And they don’t take requests…so I’d have to sit there all day potentially until they rotate the book I want into the mix.

So this year I just paid $1 each for the books I wanted and having them shipped to me.

I’m not their target audience anyway.

Where did ya buy your copies?

Nothing exciting this year for FCBD. Just picked up Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures, Turtles, Conan and a few other stuff. Got a copy of Romeo vs Juliet signed and sketched by the artist. The 2 shops i went to were packed.

My LCS was packed as well, didn’t order any of the Transformer one in, guess I am buying the reprint. Or will you be able to buy them online on the cheap? NVM, looking for the reprint found them online for $0.24 so good news.

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My shop limited each person to 5 books. That’s ok with me. I only wanted about 5 anyways. I picked up the two Star Wars ones, TMNT, the Spider-man Marvel book, and the DC big event book. I guess I would have liked the Transformers one too but oh well. Not earth shattering.

Today was a great day. A lot of the LCS here had really good deals. 50% off back issues, 10-20% off wall issues and some even had 10% off slab books.

My LCS hook me up with 2 comic books each for the kids in my little league.

My boys had a blast getting different books at different LCS. We went to 3 shops.

Over all, good day!


I hit 2 different LCSs. Got all the ones I wanted. Both were packed.


My FBCD Pickup (Every book was $1 except FBCD books), however, I needed to wait bout 50 min before I can get in the shop. Went to another shop to pick up more FBCD (too waited like 30 min to get in) - came out with empty picking. If I got to the 1st store little earlier, maybe keys can be picked up…Can’t believe I snatched up a DD #25, 1st Elektra as DD. DKR #3, #4 probably grades out F/VF but for a $1 came really get a better deal…


State of Comics.

They were the only online shop I could find that was offering the transformers FCBD book with all the others the week they were on FOC. Some other shops didn’t offer the transformers book until the following week. I would have paid shipping twice.

I paid $22 for 13 books including shipping.

Well worth it considering i didn’t have to leave my house to get what I wanted, and got so much other work done outside on a beautiful day.

I missed all of my usual FCBD places being out of town on a weekend tour with the band. Seriously bummed.

Hit a few joints on the road. Got some good newer run fillers, couple Maxx books and a few Ghost Machines for $1.

A couple little keys. Ben Percy lives in MN and signs occasionally, so I’ll hang onto the Hellverine to get signed. Odd finding that for cover price.


Well I’m glad I didn’t waste my time at the LCS on Fcbd.

All books were stamped….:roll_eyes: