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Which was a surprisingly good movie.

I kinda digging this cover

Anyone know if Frison has done an explicit cover before? Anyone seen a reveal of Hello Darkness #7 Frison variant? All I can find is this:

month till release, wont likely see cover till some one gets there order

Vampirella #675

Didn’t Frison do a bunch of really raunchy covers for a BOOM series? Was that Lotay? Hm.

Faithless #4 volume 1; Pank nipples cover.

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Frison did an explicit black-bag cover for Faithless Vol. 1 #4 (2019) cover B

She draws good boobs

There was also a tentacle variant for Money Shot 1 that wasn’t quite as explicit. Also available as virgin

Also Penthouse variant from KRS

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Whose Pank Nipples? What a strange name.

Shhh! :shushing_face: It’s a secret character hidden behind cardstock. Not many people even know about it.

I went to school with a guy named Tank Nipples. Real stand up guy, died saving a bus load of nuns from going over a cliff. Hated seeing him in a tight shirt though.

Pank Nipples sounds like a Rick and Morty character.

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Not speccy at all, but for those monster fans, Universal Monsters The Mummy is up next. These minis have been pretty good so far.

A solid Josh Middleton open order cover

As well as a good Simmonds 1:50

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I am already on board for anything monster related.


Same. Frankenstein was the weakest, IMO. Dracula with Simmonds’ art was fantastic though.

I’m wondering if the series will end after The Mummy? I hope not, but I think they are running out of the big monsters. Maybe a crossover with several monsters?

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No. I would imagine they have the Bride, Metaluna, Phantom of the Opera

Creature and Dracula have been my favorites.

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curious if anyone’s digging those Brooks Disney-fied covers?

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Ya some of these are cool, and a big departure from his normal stuff.

will all these theme month marvel covers these day easy pass