Even she-hulk has women wrapped around her lol…
Nice pun!
Golden Gouger Comics selling a 1:50 for 4 times ratio out the gate!? That’s unpossible!
I never got into this new X-men Krakoa resurrection stuff, and cannot wrap my head around this whole Hellfire Gala stuff. Of all the Xtitles, Hellions is (IMO) the only one close to old school Byrne Claremont stuff. New Mutants is the worst title, and the art sucks !
Who is the lady in black on the Hughes cover ? Black Widow ?
black widow
The more and more I look at that cover, the more I say to myself what the F was he thinking?
Look at She-Hulk’s tiny right forearm. And her long left arm for Scarlet Witch to sit on. And lets not forget that spider monkey hanging on her right arm.
Sorry Adam Hughes. You know you can draw better then that…
He’s homaging the “scales of justice”
Looks like the old Scarlet Witch has a bout of the runs to me…needs to conjure up some Immodium.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game opening moves #1, the solicit reads " Enemies become allies and exciting new characters are debuted" however I read somewhere that this book is just a reprint of a couple of the annuals. Does anyone have any idea if there will be new content and characters in this issue, or is the solicit referring to the overall series introducing new characters?
Edit: Just checked the solicit for #2 and it’s the same as #1…
Star Wars books with Monday FOC - And yeah that’s Fennec’s first comic appearance. She was mentioned by name only in Bounty Hunters 8.
Is Twig a good read ? I am still waiting for my copies from TFAW, so havent had a chance to read it. Debating whether to pick up the next issues or variants ? Thanks !
I enjoyed it.
Also, I just read Closet #1, it was meh. It’s nothing ground breaking, very typical monster in closet type of story so far. I was not impressed. Felt like a more mature reading of Monsters Inc without the whole making them scream for power plot line. And if it’s just a 3 issue mini story, just feels like a quickie cash grab by Tynion since he’s built up a fan base.
Man, Tosin is so lame.
Love the Tosin!