Fun Covers

Thought I’d start a new topic since we got so many that display covers… this one is for fun covers.

This one is fun and brings back some nostalgia being a Game Boy owner back in the day!

Something Epic #10 (Cover C - Kudranski)

Something Epic #10 (Cover C - Kudranski)


Skottie Young covers fit in here perfectly IMO


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HA!.. I don’t get it.

Sorry, click on the Great Covers link… takes you to @Anthony 's post of a great cover I think is also a fun cover. The forums transform the links to include snippet, TFAW just hasn’t posted the pic on their site yet but it’s posted in the Great Covers topic. I’ll post a pic as well…

I know. TFAW never seems to get their photos updated as fast as they should.

The art just came out today. Should be updated soon I would think.