Taylor Kitsch was Gambit in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I thought he was a good casting decision, but much like Leto in Suicide Squad, Kitsch didn’t have much to do in a movie that was not great.
Gambit is my younger brother’s character. So I see “Gambit stuff” I do get it for him.
I want to see Marvel revive “Marvel Team Up” and do a Gambit Fantomex Team Up series.
I’d read that.
I know this is an old thread but have been waiting for Gambit to finally come to the big screen but definitely not with Channing Tatum or any other actor who doesn’t look or talk like Gambit from the comic books. I recently started watching “Sherlock” a Sherlock Holmes show produced for the BBC in 2010 who’s main character Sherlock played by actor Benedict Cumberbatch and who I believe should be cast as Gambit. Based on his performance on Sherlock he is a very talented actor who just happens to look like exactly like Gambit. Tall, slender, high cheekbones and even his eyes. I mean to the T this guy is Gambit. He even looks like Gambit without wearing the costume and to top it off a very talented actor. If he doesn’t get cast as Gambit I would be very disappointed.
But Cumberbatch is Doctor Strange… I doubt they would want to cast him as Gambit when Doctor Strange is still around and likely going to keep appearing in movies, etc.
It wouldn’t be the first time a single actor played two characters in a movie and between the two costumes they would look completely different.
It’s Hollywood they can do anything.
Tom Hanks played multiple characters in the polar express….7 was it?
Cumberbatch is a very talented actor, but besides playing Doctor Strange, he’s already 46. Marvel will likely cast younger actors as mutants so they can plan for multiple movies and minimize visible/audible aging.
That’s true but I don’t think they would want to cast him just to CGI his face to look different or such. Also, what happens when they end up in the same movie?
Just blame the multiverse!
Having an Englishman portray a Frenchman may not be the best casting… especially given that the Englishman is Doctor Strange.
Agree - an Englishman portraying a Frenchman - can’t have that.
But cinematic gold would be a Frenchman portraying an Englishman. Think of the possibilities!