GI JOE #280 1:10 Variant

I’ve picked up a GI JOE here and there, not a big FAN… but I DO LOVE THIS COVER!!
Not sure why, just the color scheme…= There are some sales over ratio… It is a 1:10 variant…

Anyhoo there is a Snake Eyes Spiderman SQuat Homage out there that is a RE… on that same issue, but I want this one. :slight_smile: I put it on my FOC several weeks back…


I missed this

I cannot remember if I got it or not. I may have. I have some other killer GI Joe Baroness covers too in my collection

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I am more of a Dawn Moreno spec person. But this cover is great!

Didn’t miss it. GIJoe #279 is being released next Wednesday. #280 hasn’t come out yet. It still may be pre FOC. :beers:

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Foc is the 19th so I’ll try that Mon when links go live. New character that issue too. Starts a nee story arch.

Well be sure and let @agentpoyo know that I give it my vote to be added to the Variant Picks of the Week of April 28th

Also, heads up. After this issue, the RI Variant will go from 1:10 to 1:15 with GI JOE.

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I don’t know man… looks like this artist tried to copy J Scott Campbell… I thought it was JSC at first…