Gorr Spec Coming Out Of Thor

I did the math for you. 1800 x 1.9 ~ $3500.

Hmmmm, for a 9.8 3rd print Venom #3? If Knull made his way to the big screen as a multi film villain like Thanos I could see it.

Your math is likely wrong since it appears you didn’t accommodate ounce vs troy ounce… dufus… :wink:

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1.9 oz (physical comic weight) = 53.8641 grams which equals 1.7 troy ounces which right at this moment on gold 1 troy ounce value makes it around $3207 or so… (maybe off a bit, it’s early and no coffee yet).

I’ll sell mine now with 20% off! :label::label::label:

Great investment opportunity, as explained by our CHU jewelers :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

I’m an engineer, so i understand the value of having a second set of eyes to check my work to avoid catastrophic mistakes.

So thank you…fellow dufus…:wink:

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I love pairing up on work for my job. Always nice to have second set of eyes and always seem to get the work done faster.

Maybe CHU can become a Cash for Gold site as well. Everyone just send your gold jewelry to me for “processing”. After Tony and Poyo get their cut I’ll send whatever spare change is left over taped to an official CHUCFG (Chu Cash for Gold) postcard. No return address or course.

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Sweet, sounds good to me…

An update


Is he going to play old, fat Thor?

I imagine he is playing Odin as a actor in whatever part of the film Matt Damon is playing Loki as an actor again.

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They could be talking about bite wiping techniques as well.

For those holding out hope, this might give you a spec bump…



Christian Bale rarely disappoints with his acting.