Great Cover Art

Ha, of course Golden Apple!

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500x $5 =2500
cant blame them, no way they sell 500 copies to cover cost otherways

I do not think it is a 1:500 I think it is limited to 500


Limited to 500, lmao theyre misleading their customers

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They banned me at my request after i called them out and they went right back at me, then i did as well, and then they did yet again until it got real ugly. There is no comic seller out there in the world that i despise more than golden apple

It could be 5 cents and i wouldnt be able to order it nor would i want it :upside_down_face:


$2,500 for a book that has at least 499 other copies floating around.

Good luck with that.


They are pretty scummy I am aware. Plus Frankieā€™s and there is another one @agentpoyo hates that has comic in the title. Comix? Donā€™t fully recall.

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For me, I go back and forth sometimes as to whether I prefer to get screwed over by a company that is quiet and ignoring me while they have my money OR a company that is outright foul and nasty while screwing me over.
Ultimately, I have to choose the company that calls their customers foul names, curses at me over email as the worst of the two.

$2500 for an AI art cover? what are they smoking, should be a free preview book when they use AI art.



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A and B covers are better than that J cover. She looks like the creepy robot/doll Megan

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Golden Apple comics are so brazen. I ordered books from them ONE TIME, they didnā€™t package well and the books were damaged. Whoever is in charge of emails blamed me. after a bunch of back and forth, I mailed back the books and cut ties. Iā€™ll never give them a dime


Whatever it is, it is a whole lot!

Westfield Comics has it the same. Iā€™m just hoping Adam Hughes, Lobos, Jenny Frison, Tula Lotay and Tehani Farr get on the Penthouse train.

They are charging $2500 for a 500 book exclusive? huh? They might as well charge $2.5 million per.

A Frison cover here would be pretty great.


No. retailers are stupid and cant read. they think its a 1:500 and thus, charging $$$$ā€¦

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Precisely what happened to me.
In a way im glad to see it was not just me - i was getting a complex. :stuck_out_tongue:


I lolā€™d. The meme hero we need but donā€™t deserve