Gun Honey #2 Cover A differences?

Hey guys,

Quick question yo those who own this book.
My copy looks similar to the 2nd pic. Lots of shadows , giving a very dark effect and making some details like the cats face somewhat difficult to see.
Now I see online a virgin variant that looks a LOT brighter like someone opened a window with a lot more detail which I guess might be a thing but to my total surprise I also see a trade dress A cover with the same barcode and everything as the dark one that doesn’t have all that dark shadow action.
Anyone cares to elaborate on what’s going on here? Are there really 2 different lit versions of the A cover with same barcode and is the virgin also truly brighter or are sellers on eBay artificially brightening the images? (All pics of eBay. My books don’t have spine ticks haha)

Are those store variants? If so, it’s possible that the store offered 3 different variants of the same cover - a trade color, a trade B&W, and a virgin cover.

Nope. A regular A cover+Virgin direct market book.
Trying to figure out what’s going on here.