Hello there!
As many of you read, I was saddened by the conclusion I came to that I had to step away from the operation of DrunkWooky.com. In the short time since then I have felt relief and a new joy for some old activities I’d neglected. I’m happy to report that I’m feeling much better and only anticipate that situation improving further.
Also during that short time, I received a few offers to purchase my baby and labor of love, DrunkWooky.com. These offers gave me pause. While I didn’t want to actively engage with the project anymore, did I really want to give up ownership? After all, I built it.
One enterprising individual reached out and offered to take over day-to-day administration of the site and allow me to remain the owner and stay on as a sort of editorial/advisory role. You may know Ryan Farrell as @Im_super_into_that here on CHU (aka Grand Admiral Frik over on Drunkwooky.com). He and I have agreed to a structure where he’ll take over the regular updates of the site, the weekly publications and following the torrent of news out of Marvel and Lucasfilm. This is really exciting to me because it allows me to watch something I love continue on. I’m flattered that enough people cared enough to want to keep DrunkWooky.com going. I never would have anticipated that people would care to dedicate their own time and effort to see something I love (and apparently they too love) continue to exist and thrive.
I have full faith that @Im_super_into_that will effectively bring you all the weekly updates I did, and more! Sounds like he’s got some plans of his own which I’m excited to see. Of course, just like me, he is not infallible and not immune from mistakes. I’d ask that this community treat him with patience and kindness. I have full faith that, just as I strived to do, when a mistake is made he will acknowledge it, correct it, and continue to move forward with the news! This is the way.
I’m excited to drop in when the mood hits me to write about a particular niche of Star Wars comics and hopefully you are all excited to see DrunkWooky.com continue as well!
Did I say excited enough times up there!?
More later,
Adam Pritchard (a.k.a. DrunkWooky)