This is a place to help others out with good deals or things you would grab if you lived close enough. For example, see a crazy deal on Market Place but can’t get there? Let someone else know.
For example, Any CHU members on the Fairfax Station VA area?
Not a lot here but man of man that Deadpool 11 Hastings 8-bit can go for good money. Will need a press
Thank you for doing this @Anthony
I wanted to do this for a graphic novel/tpb that someone else might see in their LCS.
I have a list.
I’m in the process of refixing up my library. So many trades and omnis. Sigh. This has been a fun but stressful process. I have another bookshelf with my Dark Horse trades that is not pictured.
Not sure how I willl put my Batman / Predator / Alien regular and crossover DH trades with them… lots of SW Epic collections not pictured either. sigh
I got hardbacks like the Simpsons Treehouse Horror books or Manifest Destiny. I may have to buy more library shelves.
let the madness continue!
No helping sisters?
I put help a brother out cause I am a guy but also help a sister out if there are any still on here.