Help a Brother Out

This is a place to help others out with good deals or things you would grab if you lived close enough. For example, see a crazy deal on Market Place but can’t get there? Let someone else know.


For example, Any CHU members on the Fairfax Station VA area?

Not a lot here but man of man that Deadpool 11 Hastings 8-bit can go for good money. Will need a press


Thank you for doing this @Anthony
I wanted to do this for a graphic novel/tpb that someone else might see in their LCS.
I have a list.

I’m in the process of refixing up my library. So many trades and omnis. Sigh. This has been a fun but stressful process. I have another bookshelf with my Dark Horse trades that is not pictured.

Not sure how I willl put my Batman / Predator / Alien regular and crossover DH trades with them… lots of SW Epic collections not pictured either. sigh

I got hardbacks like the Simpsons Treehouse Horror books or Manifest Destiny. I may have to buy more library shelves.

let the madness continue!


No helping sisters?


I put help a brother out cause I am a guy but also help a sister out if there are any still on here.


My local Book Off has a lot of Omnibus and TPB. Let me know what you need. Might be able to help you out with some

Here are some pictures of the small 20-30 foot wall lol.

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What’s a “book off?”

How are the prices? Are they typically a fair amount below SRP?

Book Off is a Japanese book store. They carry a lot of Japanese books, manga, video games, statues, pokemon cards, and other items from Japan. And then they have the same things but in US version. They are mainly in California. But the GOOD one is in Japan lol.

Last week, I got a used Super Famicom in the box for $100. My oldest played Mother 2 all day that day lol.

My oldest buys the Stein’s Gate CDs from them. He is missing 2 others and then he is complete. When we first started getting these Japanese CDs, they were cheap. Now they go anywhere from $60-$300. Crazy expensive.

I have bought TPB for $5-$10. Other they price them for that they go for on eBay, but sometimes they price them way under. Jist depends on the title and book. Like the Omnibus, they retail $100, they sell them for $70-$90. If they are low printed, sometimes more. It all depends. Sometimes you can find good deals.

Hope this gives you a little 411 lol.

Hmm Fairfax VA - that’s me. What you need? I’m kind of a curmudgeon but…I can probably do something. Favor for a favor? Strangers on a train?

what’s good?

@jmenace I saw that $20 lot of comics. Seller isn’t willing to meet in the middle. But that Deadpool 11 Hastings Variant can go for $200 in that lot. It’s like a 2 hour drive for me so not really worth it but someone in that area it may be worth looking at to purchase and flip.

agreed - time is money. With 95 traffic, could be 2 hours for me also, 3 both ways, lol, and I live close. Probably need something bigger to make it worth it but we will be ready next time.


If I were near Bethesda, MD I’d go to this.
Someone posted on CL they were bringing Bronze & Silver.
Y’never know what folks will be charging at these little podunk book sales

That is about 40 minutes from me. My son has high school baseball tryouts that day… Opens at 9 though

@Bill where did you see the cl ad?

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never mind I found it

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If ya go, best of luck!

Thanks Really thinking about it

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My son has high school baseball tryouts that day. I know he will be fine, he is a bit nervous about it though.

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Give him a hug, cheer him on, then slowly slip away once he’s comfortable at the tryouts and tell us what gems you find!