Help Searching for JiM 85!

Putting it out there that I’m looking for mid to higher grade copies of Journey into Mystery 85. If anyone has a copy they don’t want, message me and I’ll cover next-day ship[ping. Need them by Saturday

I’m surprised no copies at NYCC for you?!

They’ll likely be overpriced at convention prices…

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If he has to have it, that’s where to get it, though.

If he’s looking for “mid to higher grade” then price isn’t an issue…(e.g., mid to higher is quite a range in price to begin with).

Maybe some CHU members going to NYCC Thur/Fri can report back here in f they see any on the wall, what booth and what the asking prices are. Then @Immunoman would know where he can go first thing Saturday to get a copy, or what his options are.

That is likely his best chance, rather than hope someone here will give one up.

I’m flying in right now but have passes for fri-sun. They’ll be overpriced for sure but the return after hiddleston sigs should make up for it

That’d be a huge help!