Helstrom Trailer Knull Swirl

The Symbiote God has to be in the Spider-Man family, owned by Sony. Family characters are not contractually sorted by what title they first appeared in. Universal doesn’t own Wolvies rights because he first appeared in a Hulk book.

To be honest we don’t have access to the legal documents so it’s just speculation. Good thing we’re on a speculating forum.

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Yes, that is correct, Todd. But, we can make some deductions. We know that Symbiotes are currently owned by Sony, hence Venom Scream, Carnage et al that appeared in the Venom movie. Knulls origin is heavily involved with Symbiotes. If Marvel owns the cinematic rights to Knull, they will have to completely alter his origin, and essentially who he is, as the god of the Symbiotes.
Would Knull have the same impact in the MCU without his connection to Symbiotes, as he does in the 616 w/ his direct ties to Symbiotes, and subsequently the Spider Family? Possibly, but I don’t see how.
And, the actual swirl was first introduced via Carnage in Absolute carnage (I think). :man_shrugging:

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Until we see Knull in a video game or app game or game add on or toy it’s hard to say. If Sony does own him you would imagine they would use him in Miles on PS5 if Marvel owns the rights we would see him on app or game add ons first. With no toy out I couldn’t tell you much more on where the rights are.

I wholly agree with you, @Alana and @ToddW. We do not know, and there isn’t much to go on.

If symbiotes are associated with A bigger role in the Marvel Universe as a whole Apart from Spider-Man then symbiotes, including their God and the planet Klyntar, are no longer Spider-Man villains and therefore not the property of Sony.

It’s all in how the MCU approaches it.

Both Fox and Marvel had the ability to use the Skrulls before Marvel bought Fox. But certain Skrulls like super Skrull was part of F4 rights.

Anyone speculating on first apperance of the swirl symbol? :rofl:

I’ve got a signed by Trent Reznor The Downward Spiral cd cover does that count?

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I always preferred Ministry or NIN.

I saw NIN the summer before Pretty Hate a machine came out. Was pretty awesome. I have seen them a couple of times since then but the first we still pretty cool.

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All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world
So there was only one thing that I could do
Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long…

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I like Ministry too.

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Do Not, I Repeat, Do Not Listen to their first album With Sympathy.

Everytime I hear the band name Ministry, first song that always pops up in my mind is Jesus Built My hot Rod… brings back a lot of memories from 1992… :slight_smile:


Wait, ur old enoigh to remember 1992?

You so old you don’t remember 1992… my memory is still good.

Dream Team summer of 92 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Im trying to remember young jokes, all that comes to mind is “yo momma so fat” ones

But on the bright side i found a picture of what Agentpoyo looked like in 1992

Ministry … that was a great band.

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