Hold or Sell

Well, prices on these have already dipped. Unless you got it dirt cheap probably hold and hope Cates has big plans for Mr. E and not just kill him off soon.

$1.50 this past weekend. I see copies on the fine range selling for about $20
but I’m just not that in to the King in Black to even care what’s going on
I’ll likely hold my extra venom 3s and 4s and GoT 2&6 until it hits the big screen
but not sure if speculation is this Mr.E character is just a prop for the story and will fade back into obscurity after this arc.

I don’t think Cates is done with Mr. E yet
 You may want to wait until his next appearance to see how the market reacts
Only risk is if he gets killed off most spec will be done.

Sell now with the reveal of an upcoming 2nd print featuring him on the cover. Hype might be at it’s peak right now.