Hottest comic in 2024

With 2024 wrapping up what was the hottest comic in 2024.

My vote are for the mark spears covers.

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Ultimate Spider-Man was hot the entire year. Great read too.


Yeah, I’d agree. When you talk hot comic of the year, the one that will be seek out for the long term is going to be Ultimate Spider-Man I think as well. Mark Spears stuff is doing great but since it’s kind of spread out across multiple titles and covers for the most part, I would just classify him as the hot artist of the year as this will start to wane a bit and most will move on to the next one that takes off…

Agreed USM #1

Absolute Batman #1
Ultimate Spider-Man #1

Some that come to mind:

1st Spider-boy
The Peach Momoko Spawn cover from SDCC.
New Champions - the misc covers, phantasm
The 2 ‘Magic the Gathering’ Wolverine and Storm books.
The Absolute titles for sure though I passed on those
maybe a Mark Spears book but I passed on those, not my thing
Void Rivals


That Momoko Spawn NYCC cover caused insanity not seen since the ultimate S.M. 4 Acetate from that black flag comics and/or the NYCC Spawn Gold several years ago.

All three turned people into living dead savage Berzerkers; not even animals.
Maybe even characters from Crossed.


If we’re throwing in exclusives, how about this one? Hotter than cover A, for sure.

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Break it down into categories

Hottest regular release book:

Hottest exclusive/Convention exclusive

Hottest regular ratio book.

Hottest regular release book: Absolute Batman. My local store said this has blown all other books out of the water this year by a big margin.

Hottest exclusive/Convention exclusive; Spawn NYCC