I Like What I'm Reading (not spec'ing, but like actually reading)!

Anyone read this series? Grabbed the set for cheap. Apparently there’s going to be a What If episode based on it, so I figured it was worth a quick read. There’s some heat on it, so if the story stinks, maybe it’s a quick flip. Gaiman doesn’t usually disappoint.

Read it a long time ago. I was going through Gaiman phase and that story was a disappointment.

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I recall reading it a long time ago and finding it had some good individual moments but didn’t really hold together great in whole.

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Anybody read Impact Winter?

Surprisingly, it was a very good read. I first thought the storyline was similar to Nocterra, which it has some components. But, the art and story really take it in a different direction.


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Listen to the Audible production. The comic is a prequel of sorts. It’s all really good.

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I read it and liked it.

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So I finally got around to reading Venom Island that I recently picked up , I never did get to read it at release as I somehow missed it. It may be my favorite arc of the Cates run. It really seemed to explore Eddie & Dylan’s relationship which I enjoy especially being a new dad.

I also just finished Death of the Inhumans and man, that was a great read! Here is the thing about the Inhumans: I’ve never really cared for them. They always felt like Marvel’s forgotten “family” for lack of a better term. This little mini series made me care for them, especially Black Bolt. Cates made Black Bolt feel bad ass but also vulnerable.

Also, after reading this and Venom Island recently as well as the conclusion of Banner of War something feels different about Cates’ writing. I’m not sure if he is like Tom King where miniseries are more of his niche than ongoing series, or of Hulk and Thor aren’t quite the right characters for him? Venom was a great ongoing series and arguably the most important run of his 25 year existance but besides Venom the stand outs of Cates’ work (to me) are Thanos Wins, Cosmic Ghost Rider, and Death of the Inhumans. However I am just about to start Silver Surfer Black.

God Country, IMO, was his break-out and worth reading.

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The Inhumans series put out by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee was excellent and won an Eisner Award. If you haven’t read it give it a go.


Literally the only, “Inhumans,” comic I ever really dug.

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Just finished the Trial of the Amazons run. Pretty decent story and a good set up of the three Amazon tribes for lots of stories going forward. Have to say that Yara Flor is a character that DC should build upon. A genuinely interesting and contemporary take on ‘Wonder Girl’ that stands alone from Wonder Woman. Just the kind of character that DC should create opportunities for…


Some really fun comics & lesser known titles I pulled out in anticipation of the upcoming Werewolf by Night Special.
I recommend all of these!!!


Love those Dead of Night covers. Have them in the pc and it was a pretty good read as well.


I need to find the video where years ago I recommended Dead of Night because of the Marvel Horror shows and movies that would be coming out.


marvel’s new predator series has been really fun. nothing mindblowing or anything, and i’m pretty tired of 90% of new media being revenge stories, but it’s a solid action scifi thriller so far. and if the story is of revenge against blood-thirsty alien monster jerks then i’m down.

also bill & ted roll the dice is super funny. i don’t know anything about d&d, which is referred to a lot, but it’s just silly, clever, fun time goofery. most righteous!

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“Old Dog,” is written and illustrated by Declan Shalvey. I liked it. Gonna work on a blog post about it.


I read an advance preview of Kroma #1. Damn its a good book. Cannot wait for this one.

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Finally getting caught up on Sword of Azrael and so far it is really good.

Zdarsky is KILLING IT with his Batman run so far! Throwbacks to Tower of Babel and Batman R.I.P. make it even more enjoyable. Absolutely love it! @ein Aquaman is involved so clear the decks!

Dark Knights of Steel is also pretty good and this weeks ending TOTALLY caught me off guard.