King in Black #2 Printing Error

I wasn’t sure which category to put this in, but I received a pretty major printing error on one of my copies of King in Black #2 from Diamond (I’m a little behind posting this). It’s missing the cover, the pages are miscut, and the staples are way off.

It’s not as significant of a book or error as the Venom #27 double cover, but it may be more rare as I haven’t heard of any others out there.

I haven’t decided if I should sell it yet or what to “value” it at.

I thought I would start with CHU followers first for thoughts.

Take care!

Looks like a binding issue, not printing error


Yup. Some might pay a premium for it, I wouldn’t. It’s worthless to me… It’s the type of book I’d definitely use to redeem the digital code from to read on my Marvel app… :slight_smile:


Yea that’s not really a printing error. It’s something I would throw in the garbage lol

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After you redeem the digital code… :wink:

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Actually, that’s the type of error you could probably take back to the shop to get it replaced even… the shop could send bad as damaged, etc.


Lol totally looks like it was already in the garbage.

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$10,000 for the defective magazine!!

Sold! :slight_smile:

Return it if you can otherwise redeem the digital code or sell it to recoup your money. I don’t think anyone would want it.