Kraven To Be Next Spider-Man Villain

Looks like Kraven is the front runner for the next films big bad according to John Watts director of Far From Home.

Sweet, I love the first appearances that are already a little out of reach for most people…

Kraven’s first is in Amazing Spider-Man #15. But this one isn’t too far out there yet, might see some love if he does make it in the next movie as the main villain.

“During FFH, when Fury takes Peter to the ‘secret base’ were he first introduced Peter to Mysterio, Peter also meets a character named Dimitri. I believe this to be the character known as Dimitri Smerdyakov, aka The Chameleon. Now, The Chameleon is also the step brother of Kraven. Could we be seeing Kraven the Hunter in a future Spidey flick?:wink: